

1.有時候其實不想哭 但是有人問怎麼了 就會忍不住的傷心流淚

Sometimes I don't want to cry, but I can't help crying when someone asks me why.

2.人 老是珍惜未得到的 而遺忘了所擁有的

People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

3.失望過後的平靜 大概是因為太無奈

The calm after disappointment is probably due to too much helpleness.

4.放手後的微笑 只是用來掩蓋疼痛的傷疤

The smile after letting go is just to cover up the scar of pain.

5.沒把我放心上的人 我真不知道該怎麼挽留

I really don't know how to keep people who don't reassure me.

6.也許你只是我生命中的過客 只是我誤認為你是主角

Maybe you're just a passer-by in my life, but I mistakenly think you're the hero.

7.希望自己成熟穩重 絕處逢生 越活越優秀

I hope I am mature and steady, and the more I live, the better I will be.

8.故事不長 不難概括 簡單四字 愛而不得

The story is not long, it is not difficult to difficult to generalize the simple four-character love.


