【回应波兰事件:了解情况中,暂无评论】我们获悉了相关信息,正在进一步了解情况,对此暂时没有更多评论。华为公司一直遵守业务所在国的所有适用法律法规,合规经营,并要求所有员工遵守所在国法律法规。Huawei is aware of the situation, and we are lookin

【回应波兰事件:了解情况中,暂无评论】我们获悉了相关信息,正在进一步了解情况,对此暂时没有更多评论。华为公司一直遵守业务所在国的所有适用法律法规,合规经营,并要求所有员工遵守所在国法律法规。Huawei is aware of the situation, and we are looking into it. We have no comment for the time being.Huawei complies with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where it operates, and we require every employee toabide by the laws and regulations in the countries where they are based.