
寫作: 表示不同特質人的詞的總結

Intellectual ability:

Ability: intelligent bright clever smart shrewd able gifted talented brainy

Lacking ability: stupid foolish half-witted simple silly brainless daft dumb dim

Attitudes towards life

Optimistic pessimistic extroverted introverted relaxed tense sensible sensitive attitudes towards other people:

Enjoying others’ company: sociable gregarious

Disagreeing with others: quarrelsome argumentative

Taking pleasure in others’ pain: cruel sadistic

Relaxed in attitude to self and others: easy-going even-tempered

Not polite to others: impolite rude ill-mannered discourteous

Telling the truth to others: honest trustworthy reliable sincere

Unhappy if others have what one does not have: jealous envious


suppress 壓制,鎮壓 ~human rights

supreme 最高的,至上的 a ~ ruler

surpass 超過,優於,強於,勝過 ~ advanced world

surplus 過剩,剩餘 a teacher ~

survey 調查~ population growth in the southern provinces

vain 徒勞的,無效的 ~ efforts

valid 有根據的 a ~ excuse

value 價值 I was offered 50 pounds for my old car but its ~ is much higher

asset n.(pl.)資產(產);有用的資源;優點,益處

blackmail n.訛詐,敲詐,勒索;脅迫,恫嚇

blade n. 刀刃,刀片;槳葉,槳片;草葉,葉片

blouse n.女襯衣,短上衣,寬闊的罩衫

foster vt. 照管;培養;促進

bruise n.青腫,挫傷;傷痕 vt.打青;挫傷

bully n.恃強欺弱者,小流氓 vt.威脅,欺侮

bureaucracy n.官僚主義,官僚機構;(非民選的)委任官員

burglar n.(入室行竊的)盜賊

cape n.海角,岬;披肩,短披風

carbohydrate n.碳水化合物; 糖類;(plural)澱粉質或糖類

celebrity n.名人,名流;著名,名聲,名望

Christ n.基督,救世主,耶穌

clergy n.[總稱]牧師,神職人員

coalition n.結合體,同盟;結合,聯合

costume n. 戲裝;泳裝;服裝

cosy/cozy a.暖和舒服的;舒適的 [反]uncomfortable

credentials n.(個人能力及信用的)證明書,證件 ebb vi.衰退,減退 n.處於低潮,處於衰退狀態

eccentric a.古怪的,怪癖的,異乎尋常的 n.古怪的人

futile a.無效的,無用的,無希望的

gender n.(生理上的)性別;(名詞、代詞等的)詞性

glamour n.魔力,魅力 vt.迷住

strenuous a.費力的,艱辛的;奮發的,努力的

strife n.爭吵;衝突,鬥爭;競爭

stroll n.&v.漫步;散步;遊蕩

gorgeous a.華麗的;燦爛的;美麗的;宜人的;棒的

graphic a.生動的,形象的;繪畫的,文字的,圖表的


layoff n.臨時解僱;關閉;停歇

lottery n.抽彩;碰運氣的事,難於算計的事

majesty n. stately, grand appearance;

splendor 雄偉,壯麗,莊嚴

maneuver vi.熟練地進入

medieval a. 中世紀的

excel vi.(at,in)突出,擅長 vt.勝過,優於

excerpt n.摘錄,節錄 vt.摘,引用

exile n.流放;被流放者 vt.流放,放逐,把…充軍

fairy adj.幻想中的,虛構的

feat n.功績,偉業,技藝

federation n.聯合會;結盟,聯合

fore ad.在前面 a.先前的;在前部的 n.前部

solitary a.(好)孤獨的;偏僻的;單一的,唯一的

solo n.獨奏 a. ad.單獨的(地);獨唱的(地)

spiral a.螺旋形的 n.螺旋,螺線 v.螺旋上升;盤旋

spouse n. a wife or husband 配偶

stagger vi.搖晃著移動;蹣跚 n.搖晃不穩的動作;蹣跚

stalk n.莖,梗 vt.悄悄地跟蹤 vi.高視闊步地走

staple n.主要產品;名產;纖維;主要成分,主食

statute n.成文法,法令,法規;章程,規則,條例

steak n.牛排;大塊肉(或魚)片

stereotype n.陳規,老套,模式化 vt.使定型,使模式化

formidable a. difficult to defeat or deal with 難對付的;可怕的

meditate v.認真思考,沉思;計劃,考慮

momentum n. 動量;動力;勢頭

monarch n.帝王,君主,最高統治者

motivate vt.促動;激勵,鼓勵,作為…的動機

nightmare n.惡夢;可怕的事物,無法擺脫的恐懼

optimum a.最適宜的 n.(生長繁殖的)最佳條件

option n.選擇(權);可選擇的事物(或人),選課

overturn n. 推翻 stun vt.使…失去知覺;使目瞪口呆,使吃驚

subsidy n.補助金;津貼費

suffice v.足夠,(食物)滿足

suite n.套間;一套傢俱;套,組,系列

summit n.頂,最高點;顛峰,高峰;最高級會議

superstition n.迷信,迷信的觀念習俗

oxide n. 氧化物

grim a.嚴酷的,令人害怕的;不愉快的,討厭的


grin n.vi. 露齒笑,咧嘴笑

grope vi.暗中摸,摸索;探索,搜尋 vt.摸索

heave v.(用力)舉,提,拉;扔;拖;嘔吐 n.舉起

herb n.藥草,(調味用的)香草,草本植物

hierarchy n.等級制度;統治集團,領導層

hike n.徒步旅行;增加 vi.徒步旅行 vt.提高

passerby n.過路人,路人

pilgrim n.最初的移民(P 大寫,指 1620 由歐洲移居美國的清教徒)

plea n.(法律)抗辯;請求,懇求,託詞,口實

skull n.頭蓋骨,顱骨

slaughter n.屠殺,屠宰 vt.屠殺,宰殺

slot n.狹縫;空位 vt.放入狹縫中;把…納入

sneak vi.偷偷地走,溜 vt.偷偷地做(或拿、吃)

sneeze vi.打噴嚏,發噴嚏聲 n.噴嚏

agitate 攪動(液體等) The machine agitated the mixture.

alarm 驚恐,憂慮 The bandits scattered in alarm.

sort 種類,類別 He is not the ~ of man to do such a cruel thing

sound 健康的,健全的,完好的 a ~body in a ~ mind

sour 酸的,酸味的 ~pickles

shatter n.碎片;粉碎 v.粉碎;使疲憊;使震駭

shove vt.亂推;亂塞 vi.用力推,擠 n.猛推

shuttle n.往返汽車/列車/飛機;穿梭 v.往返穿梭

alert 警惕的,留神的 In our reading we should always be alert for new usages.

alien 外國的 adjust to an alien culture

allege 斷言,宣稱 The newspaper alleges the mayor's guilt.

allocate 分配,分派,把……撥給 allocate funds for new projects

sniff vi.嗅…味道;抽鼻涕;對嗤之以鼻,蔑視

soar vi.(指鳥等)高飛,翱翔;飛漲;高聳

sociable a.好交際的,友好的,合群的

solidarity n.團結;休慼相關

surge vi.(如浪潮般)洶湧;奔騰 n.(感情等的)洋溢

susceptible a.過敏的,敏感的;易動感情的,易受感動的

tangle n.糾纏;纏結;混亂 v.(使)纏繞;變亂

temperament n.氣質,性格,性情;資質

tropic n.迴歸線;[the T-s]熱帶地區

tumour/tumor n.(腫)瘤,腫塊

amateur (藝術,科學等的)業餘愛好者 an amateur golfer

ambition (對名利等的)強烈慾望,野心 His political ambitions still burn.

amend 修改,修訂 amend the spelling in sb.'s paper

administrate 掌管,料理……的事務 In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife.


adolescent (尤指 16 歲以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents

advance 使向前移動 advance a chessman

sector n.部門,部分;防禦地段,防區;扇形

seemingly ad. in appearance; apparently 表面上的,看起來的

segregate vt. separate or keep apart from others 分離,隔離

serial n.連本影片,連本電視節目 a.連續的

setback n.挫折;失效;復發;倒退

shabby a.簡陋的,破舊的;卑鄙的,不正當的

aggravate 加重,加劇,惡化 aggravate the declining economy

aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon

allied 結盟的,有關聯的 allied nations

allowance 津貼,補貼,零用錢 a housing allowance

alter 改變,更改 alter an attitude

alternate 交替,輪流 Night and day alternate.

arouse 使……奮發 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.

array 排列,隊形 The troops were formed in battle array.

articulate 發音清晰的,善於表達的 He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.

adverse 不友好的,敵對的 She felt adverse to her husband's friends.

advocate 擁護,提倡,主張 advocate self-defence

aesthetic 美學的,藝術的,審美 an aesthetic theory

affiliate 使隸屬(或附屬)於,使成為會員 a government affiliated company

affirm 斷言,申明 affirm the truth of a statement

artificial 人工的,人造的,人為的 artificial price controls

ascend 登高, (漸漸)上升,升高 The airplane ascended into the cloud.

ascertain 查明,弄清,確定 I ascertained that he was dead.

ashamed 慚愧的,羞恥的 I am ashamed for being so stupid.

ashore 向岸,向陸地 He swam ashore.

aside 在旁邊 We stood aside to let her pass.

assault 攻擊,襲擊 We made an assault on the enemy fort.

assemble 集合,召集 assemble the members of Parliament for a special meeting.

assert 肯定地說(出) ,堅定地斷言 He asserted his innocence.

assess 估價,評價,評論 assess the present state of the economy

assign 分配,佈置(作業) The teacher assigned (us) a new lesson.

assimilate 吸收,消化 He is quick to assimilate new ideas.

associate (使) 聯繫, (使) 結合 We naturally associated the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.

bar 條,塊,杆,棒, 酒吧 a bar of gold

beforehand 預先,事先 If you wanted soup for lunch you should have told me beforehand. bewilder 使迷惑,使糊塗 I’m bewildered as to which one to buy.


boom 低沉有迴響的聲音 The great bell tolled with a deep boom.

bore 鑽孔,挖(通道) bore through a wall

bounce 彈起,反彈 The ball doesn’t bounce well.

sovereign a.獨立的,有主權的 n.君主,國王,統治者

spacious adj.廣闊的,寬敞的

spectrum n.譜,光譜,頻譜;範圍,幅度,系列

spicy a.加很多香料的;(口味)濃郁的

spine n.脊柱,脊椎;(動植物的)刺;書脊

bound 跳躍,彈回 She bounded to her feet and waved her right hand triumphantly. boycott (聯合起來)抑制,拒絕參加 boycott uncooperative manufactures

brace 托架,支架 He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.

breed(使)繁殖 Rabbits breed families rapidly.

bribe 賄賂 accept(或 take)a bribe from sb.

anchor 錨 The anchor catches (drags).

annoy 使惱怒,使生氣 She was annoyed at (with) his lightheard attitude.

annual 每年的,年度的 the annual output of steel

anonymous 匿名的,無名的 an anonymous letter (phone call)

anticipate 預期,預料 The directors anticipated a fall in demand (that demand would fall).

apart 成零碎 Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings.

apparent 顯然的,明明白白的 It was apparent that they all understood.

brisk 輕快的,生氣勃勃的 a brisk pace

brittle 易碎的,一碰就破的 brittle glass

accumulate 積累,積攢,積聚 accumulate wisdom

accurate 準確的,精確的 an accurate estimate

accuse 指控,指責 They accused her publicly of stealing their books.

activate 使活動起來, 使開始起作用, 啟動 They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed.

bump 碰,撞(against, into) The truck bumped against the wall in the dark.

burst 爆炸,爆裂 The boiler burst.

casual 偶然的,無計劃的,隨便的,非正式的 a casual meeting

cease 停止,終止,結束 The music ceased suddenly.

certify 證明,證實 The accounts were certified (as) correct.

challenge 向……挑戰 Our school challenged the local champion team to a football match.

character (事物的) 性質, 特質 The furniture in Tom’s apartment was pretentious and without character.

secure 安全的,可靠的,有把握的 a castle ~from attack

sensible 明知的,合情理的 a ~ choice

appoint 任命,委派 They appointed his father (to be 或 as) postmaster.

appraise 估量,估計 appraise the infant's weight

appreciate 感激 I appreciated your help much.

apprehend 對……擔心 Do you apprehend that there will be any difficulty?

appropriate 恰當的,相稱的 Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. approve 贊成,同意 I couldn't approve his conduct.

approximate 大概的,大約的,近似的 The approximate time is 10 o'clock.


apt (習性)易於……的,有……傾向的 A careless person is apt to make mistakes. arbitrary 隨心所欲的,個人武斷的,任意的 an arbitrary choice

arise 起立,起身 arise from one's seat

charge 要(價) ,收(費) The airlines charge half price for students.

charm 魅力,魔力 This thriving resort town has retained its village charm.

chase 追逐,追求 The police chased the escaping thief and caught him at last.

check 使突然停止,制止 check one’s steps

cherish 珍愛,珍視 cherish one’s native land

chew 嚼,咀嚼 He chewed a mouthful of meat.

choke 窒息,噎住 be choked by smoke

bias 偏見,偏心 have a bias against sb.(或 sth.)

blame 責備,責怪 Public opinion blames Mrs Smith for leading the girl astray.

blast 一陣(風) ,一股(氣流) a blast of wind

blaze 火焰 The fire sprang into a blaze.

aggravate 加重,加劇,惡化 aggravate the declining economy

aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon

allied 結盟的,有關聯的 allied nations

allowance 津貼,補貼,零用錢 a housing allowance

array 排列,隊形 The troops were formed in battle array.

articulate 發音清晰的,善於表達的 He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.

boast 自吹自擂,自誇的話 He is full of boasts.

bolt 螺栓, (門,窗的)插銷 a small bag of nuts and bolts

confuse 使混亂,混淆 He confused the arrangements by arriving late.

corrupt 墮落的,腐敗的,貪贓舞弊的:lead a corrupt life

count 數,計算: count the money

course 課程,科目:an English course

courtesy 謙恭有禮。有禮的舉止(或)言辭:come in without courtesy

credit 信任,可信性;學分 I have full credit in your ability to do the job.

shade 蔭,蔭涼處 The group of trees provide some ~ from the sun

sham 假裝,虛偽 Her illness was a ~ to gain sympathy

shear 剪,修剪 ~ a lawn

shed 流 ~ one’s blood for one’s country

sheer 完全的,十足的 ~ nonsense

shelter 掩蔽處,躲避處 a bus ~

connect 連接,連接 The bridge connects the island with(或 to) the mainland.

conscious 意識到的,自覺地 They were conscious that he disapproved.

consent 同意,贊同,准許 The people will never consent to another war.

conserve 保護,保藏,保存 conserve natural resources

consist 組成,構成(of) The house consists of six rooms.

consolidate 鞏固,加強 consolidate one’s position

conspicuous 顯眼的,明顯的,引人矚目的 He felt as conspicuous as if he had stood on a stage.


contrary 相反的,對抗的:take the contrary view

contrast 對照,對比,(對比之下顯出的)差異:the contrast between the two forms of government

contribute 捐(款等),捐獻:He contributed 5dollars to the charity every payday contrive 設計,想出:contrive a new method

corrode(漸漸)損害,(一點一點地)損傷:Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and seller

dawn 黎明,拂曉 work from dawn to dark

dazzle (強光等)使目眩,耀眼:He was dazzled by his sudden success.

deceive 欺騙,矇蔽:deceive oneself

decent 體面的,像樣的:She didn’t have a decent dress for the ball.

decline 拒絕,謝絕:We sent him an invitation but he declined.

appeal 呼籲,懇求 I appealed to the children to make less noise.

applaud 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 The audience applauds the performers for three minutes.

apply 塗,敷 He applied two coats of paint to the table.

chorus 合唱隊

chronic (疾病)慢性的, (人)久病的 chronic indigestion

clarity 澄清,闡明 clarify an issue

cling 粘著 The frightened child clung to her mother.

clumsy 笨拙的 a clumsy boy

monitor 班長 ;監控

mortgage 抵押(借款)He will have to ~ his land for a loan.

motion 動,運動 the ~ of the planets

motive 動機,目的 be proper in~

mount 登上, 爬上~ the steps

cluster (果實,花等的)串,束,簇; (人或物)的群,組 a cluster of tourists

clutch 緊抓,緊握 clutch at an opportunity

coherent 一致的,協調的 lack coherent political goals

cure 治癒,醫治:this medicine cured him of his pains.

cut 切,割,剪,砍,削; The Mayor cut the ribbon to open a trade exhibition.

screen 屏,幕,簾 a folding ~

decompose 分解,腐爛,腐敗:decompose a compound into its elements.

dedicate 奉獻,把。。用在(to): The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure. 。

deduce 演繹,推論:From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.

define 解釋,給。。下定義: People define him as a genius.

deform(使)變形:Heat deforms plastic.

constant 經常的,不斷的 a constant noise

constitute 組成,構成 constitute a threat to sb.

consult 請教,與……商量 consult a doctor about one’s illness

consume 消費,花費: consume much of one’s time in reading

contact 接觸,聯繫,交往: be in contact with sb

contain 包括,容納, a list containing twelve items

contaminate 弄髒,汙染,玷汙,毒害: Fumes contaminate the air

calculate 計算,推算 calculate the distance between New York and Chicago

cancel 取消,廢除,刪去 cancel a trip

capture 俘虜,捕獲 capture butterflies

assume 假定,假設 Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming (that) the weather is favorable.

assure 深信不疑地對……說,向……保證

assurance 保證,把握,信心 He gave me his assurance that he would help.

astonish 使驚訝 I was astonished at his sudden appearance.

attach 系,貼,連接 attach a label to a suitcase;喜歡

attain 達到,獲得 attain one’s goal

attend 出席,參加(會議等) attend a wedding

attendance 出席,參加,出席人數,出席率 Our class has perfect attendance today. attentive 注意的,專心的 an attentive audience

attribute 把歸因於,把……(過錯的責任等)歸於(to) He attributed his success to hard work.

auxiliary 輔助的 an auxiliary rocket