看《Friends》学英语:The One With Two Parts(下)


The One With Two Parts - Part l 六人行 第1季 第16集 第17集 双胞胎两部曲

[23:28.22]My friend was taking down Christmas lights... 我朋友取下圣诞灯时

[23:31.52]...and may have broken her ankle. 从阳台跌下来,可能伤了脚踝

[23:35.-3]My God,you still have your Christmas lights up? 你们的圣诞灯还亮着?

[23:40.00]-Fill this out and bring it back. -Here you go. -填好资料后拿给我 -给你

[23:48.84]All right. Name,address. 姓名?地址

[23:53.41]-Are you currently on any medication? -No. -你现在进行任何药物治疗? -没有

[23:57.05]Oh,wait! Yes. Blistex. 哦,等等!有.Blistex(一种药用润唇膏)

[24:01.02]-No. In case of emergency,call...? -You. -填没有,紧急联络电话? -你

[24:07.59]-Really? -Yeah. -真的? -对

[24:10.19]Oh,that is so sweet! 你真好

[24:14.90]Gosh,love you. Okay,insurance? 我爱你.保险?

[24:18.47]Oh,yeah,check it. Definitely gonna want some of that! 哦,打勾,我当然需要保险

[24:22.64]-You don't have insurance? -How much will this cost? -你没有保险? -要多少钱?

[24:26.08]X-rays alone could be $200! 单是X光就可能得要好两百元

[24:29.08]-What are we gonna do? -There's not much we can do. -我们该怎么办? -没有太多办法可想

[24:34.08]Unless I use yours. 除非我用你的

[24:37.05]-No,no,no. -Now wait a second. -不,不,不 -等等

[24:40.82]Who did I just put as my emergency person? 我的紧急连络人是谁?

[24:44.23]That's insurance fraud. 这是保险欺诈

[24:47.70]All right then,forget it. Might as well just go home. 好吧.算了.我回家

[24:52.90]-Okay,come here. I hate this. -Thank you. I love you. -好吧,回来,我真讨厌这样做 -谢谢?我爱你

[24:58.48]Hi. I'm gonna need a new set of these forms. 我需要新表格

[25:03.55]-Why? -I am really an idiot. -为什么? -我真是个笨蛋

[25:09.72]I was filling out her form... 我替我朋友填资料时

[25:12.02]...and instead of putting her information I put mine. 填的不是她的资料而是我的

[25:15.76]You are an idiot. 你真是个笨蛋

[25:18.23]Yep,that's me. I am that stupid. 没错?这就是我.我就是那么笨

[25:24.07]I had a dream. I was playing football with my kid. 我梦见我和我儿子在玩橄榄球

[25:27.57]-That's nice. -No,no. With him. -真温馨 -不?他是球

[25:34.34]I'm on this field, and they hike me the baby. 我在球场上,他们叫我以儿子做裆下开球

[25:39.05]I've gotta do something. The Tampa Bay defense is coming right at me! 我得做点什么,坦帕湾队的防守球员逐渐逼近

[25:44.15]-Tampa Bay's got a terrible team. -Right,but... -坦帕湾队烂得可怕 -没错?

[25:49.56]...it is just me and the baby, so I'm thinking they can take us. 但只有我和我儿子.我想我们死定了

[25:55.60]And so I just heave it downfield! 所以我只好传球

[25:59.67]-What are you,crazy? That's a baby! -He should take the sack? -什么?你疯啦?他是你儿子 -他该擒抱?

[26:07.51]Anyway,suddenly I'm downfield. 总之,突然我又到了前场

[26:11.25]And I realize I'm the one who's supposed to catch him. 我发现该接球的人是我

[26:15.35]I know I'm not gonna get there in time. 但我绝对来不及

[26:18.29]So I am running and running. That is when I woke up. 于是我跑啊跑,然后就惊醒了

[26:22.23]See? I am so not ready to be a father. 看?我还没准备好当爸爸

[26:25.86]You're gonna be fine. 你没问题的

[26:27.80]You're one of the most caring, responsible men in North America. 你是全美最细心,最有责任感的男人

[26:32.90]You're gonna make a great dad. 你将来一定是个好爸爸的

[26:35.-2]Yeah,you and the baby just need better blocking. 没错?你和你儿子,只是需要更好的阻挡

[26:41.88]Have you ever been to the Rainbow Room? Is it expensive? 你们去过彩虹厅吗?真有那么贵?

[26:46.02]Well,only if you order stuff. 当然,只有你去才会贵

[26:49.25]I'm taking Ursula tonight. It's her birthday. 我今晚要带乌苏拉去,今天是她生日

[26:52.52]-What about Phoebe's birthday? -When's that? -菲比的生日该怎么办? -什么时候?

[26:57.26]-Tonight. -What are the odds of that happening? -今晚 -怎么会有这么巧的事情发生呢?

[27:03.77]You take your time. 慢慢想吧

[27:11.11]There it is! 原来是这样啊!

[27:16.48]-What'll you do? -What can I do? -你打算怎么办? -我能怎么办?

[27:19.52]I don't wanna screw it up with Ursula. 我不想让乌苏拉不开心

[27:22.29]And your friend? 你的朋友菲比呢?

[27:23.62]If she's my friend,she'll understand. Wouldn't you? 如果她是我朋友希望她能谅解. 你们能谅解吗?

[27:27.72]If you tried that on my birthday... 我生日时如果你敢这样做

[27:30.33]...you'd be staring at the end of a hissy fit. 我就和你没完没了

[27:36.77]Saffron makes all the difference. 加上少量蕃红花,就能使情况完全改观

[27:42.11]-Okay. Monica? -Yes. -摩妮卡? -是…

[27:46.61]-Yes,she is. -Hi,this is my friend Rachel. -是…她 -她是我朋友瑞秋

[27:51.72]-Hi,I'm Dr. Mitchell. -And I'm Dr. Rosen. -瑞秋?我是米契尔大夫 -我是罗森大夫

[27:55.02]I'm okay here. 我在这没问题

[27:57.-4]Actually,that's all right. You can take your break. 好吧,就这样.你可以休息一下

[28:00.89]No,this is why I became a doctor. Ankles and stuff like that. 不了,这就是我为什么做了一声. 脚踝之类是我得专长啊

[28:07.26]-Aren't you too cute to be a doctor? -Excuse me? -你当医生是否太帅了一点? -抱歉?

[28:10.60]God,young,young. I meant young. Young to be a doctor. Good,Rach. 天哪,年轻,我是指年轻 你当医生稍嫌年轻了点,说得好,瑞秋

[28:16.27]-Thank you. -Right. -谢谢 -好的

[28:25.58]He said it was just a sprain. 他说这只是扭伤

[28:28.-1]-You left out the stupid part. -It's not stupid. -你忘了说我们做的蠢事 -才不蠢呢

[28:32.26]The cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow,and I said yes. 这位两位帅哥大夫约我们明晚出去, 我答应了

[28:36.86]I think it's insane. They work for the hospital. 你根本就是疯了,他们在医院工作

[28:40.30]It's like returning to the scene of the crime. 我们这样不是回到犯罪现场?

[28:43.87]-I say we blow off the dates. -What? They are cute. -还是取消约会吧 -什么?他们可是大帅哥

[28:48.14]They are doctors. Cute doctors. Doctors who are cute. 而且还是医生.帅哥医生?很帅的医生

[28:52.11]All right,what have we learned so far? 目前为止我们学习到什么?

[28:56.88]Oh,God. Okay. 天啊

[29:03.89]Surprise! 惊喜

[29:12.83]What are you doing? You scared the crap out of me! 你们在干什么?把我吓死了!

[29:17.47]-Was that the cake? -Yeah. I got a lemon schmoosh. -那是蛋糕吗? -对?柠檬口味

[29:22.51]Come on. She'll be here any minute. 快?她随时会到

[29:25.24]Hope it's okay. 希望蛋糕没事

[29:31.18]"Happy Birthday Peehee." “生日快乐?菲…”

[29:34.92]Maybe we can make a "B" out of a rose. 或许我们可以用玫瑰当“比”

[29:37.82]We'll just use our special cake tools. 对?用我们的特殊蛋糕工具

[29:40.76]-What's going on? -We just -什么事? -我们只是

[29:43.16]Surprise! 惊喜!

[29:48.16]This is so great! Oh,my God! This was not at all scary. 你们真是太好了,一点都不吓人

[29:54.10]Look! "Happy Birthday Peehee." 看哪!“生日快乐,菲”

[29:57.87]What a strange new nickname. I like it! Oh,my God! 好奇怪得昵称啊.我好喜欢,哦上帝!

[30:01.41]Hi,everybody. Hi,Betty! Betty,hi! 各位?贝蒂!贝蒂!

[30:04.75]You found Betty! Oh,my gosh! This is so great. 你找到贝蒂?太好了

[30:08.32]Everybody I love is in the same room. Where's Joey? 我爱的大家都同在一起,乔伊在哪儿?

[30:16.26]Did you see Betty? 你看见贝蒂没?

[30:28.34]I wouldn't mind having a piece of this sun-dried tomato business. 蕃茄干事业真好赚

[30:32.88]Five years ago,if somebody had said, "A tomato that's like a prune"... 五年前如果有人说我的蕃茄像李子

[30:37.91]... I'd have said,"Get out!" 我就叫他滚出我的办公室

[30:43.19]Dad,before I was born, did you freak out? 爸?我出生前你会紧张吗?

[30:46.26]I'm not freaking out! I'm saying, if someone had come to me 我不紧张,我是说如果有人对我说…

[30:50.89]Dad,I'm talking about the whole baby thing. 爸?我在谈小孩的事

[30:55.00]Did you ever get this sort of... 你是否曾因为

[30:58.10]... panicky,"Oh,my God, I'm gonna be a father" thing? 将成为父亲而紧张?

[31:02.94]No. We just had kids back then. 不会.我们只是要回收种子

[31:06.78]We didn't think about it. What else could the sun dry,I wonder? 我们根本就不想这些. 我在想除了晒干还能怎么办?

[31:12.55]Dad,come on. IKids. 老爸,不要这样,我们在说孩子

[31:14.25]Look,your mother really did the work. I was busy with the business. 都是你妈在处理,我忙着事业

[31:19.46]I wasn't around that much. Is that what this is about? 经常不在家,你找我来是为了这个?

[31:23.73]No,I was just wondering. 不是?我只是有点迷惑

[31:25.70]We can make up for that. We can do stuff together. 因为我们有时间弥补 我们可以一起做某些事

[31:29.40]You always wanted to go to Colonial Williamsburg. Let's do that. 你一直想去威廉斯堡,想去吗?

[31:34.60]Thanks,Dad,really. You know,I just.... 谢了,爸.我只是

[31:39.81]I just needed to know... 我只是想知道

[31:42.28]...when did you start to feel like a father? 你何时感觉自己像个父亲

[31:46.85]Well,I guess it must've been the day after you were born. 应该是你出生那一天

[31:52.32]We were in the hospital room, your mom was asleep... 我们在病房,你妈在睡觉

[31:55.86]...and they brought you in and gave you to me. 他们把你交给我

[31:59.63]You were this ugly little red thing. 你当时又丑又红又小

[32:03.27]All of a sudden you grabbed my finger with your fist... 你突然用拳头紧抓住我的手指

[32:07.70]...and you squeezed it so tight. 紧紧捏住我的手指

[32:13.11]And that's when I knew. 那时候我才感觉到

[32:18.05]So you don't wanna go to Williamsburg? 你不想去威廉斯堡?

[32:24.09]We can go to Williamsburg. 我们可以去阿

[32:27.49]Eat your fish. 吃鱼吧

[32:33.40]-Rachel,the cute doctors are here! -Okay,coming. -瑞秋?帅哥医生来了! -来了

[32:37.70]-Hi,come on in. -Hi,Jeffrey. -请进 -你好,麦可.杰佛瑞

[32:41.67]We brought wine. 我们带了一瓶酒

[32:43.-2]Look. It's from the cellars of Ernest and Tova Borgnine. 这是来自恩尼斯及托夫波尼酒窖

[32:47.74]-How could we resist? -That's great! -我们怎么能够拒绝呢? -太好了!

[32:50.45]-Monica,how's the ankle? -It's.... -摩妮卡,脚踝如何? -它啊

[32:55.18]Why don't you tell them? After all,it is your ankle. 你何不告诉他们,这可是你的脚踝

[32:59.56]It's feeling a lot better. Thank you. 感觉好多了,谢谢

[33:02.93]Why don't you guys sit down, and we'll get you some glasses? 你们请坐我去拿杯子

[33:06.86]Okay. Stat! 快坐好

[33:13.17]Why don't we just tell them who we really are? It'll be fine. 我们何不表明我们的身份 绝对不会有事的

[33:18.68]-We'll get in trouble. -Would you stop being such a wuss? -我们会惹上大麻烦 -摩妮卡,别那么不争气

[33:23.08]A wuss? Excuse me for living in the real world. 不争气?抱歉,我生在真实的世界之中

[33:27.15]-So? -So they still seem normal. 所以呢?她们似乎很正常

[33:29.69]Because they are. 但你得承认

[33:31.22]When we go out with women from the hospital 每次我们和女病患约会都…

[33:34.66]Relax. Take a look around. There are no pagan altars. 别紧张,看看四周.没有异教徒的神坛

[33:40.66]No piles of bones in the corners. They're fine. Go like this: 角落没有成堆的骨头, 她们没事的,这个…

[33:49.61]We're not going to do it. Sometimes you can be such a baby! 我们绝不能这么做,有时你真的很幼稚

[33:54.21]-I am not a baby. -Be serious. Every time -我才不幼稚 -严格来说,每次都是

[33:57.65]-You act like a princess. -You know what? -你娇生惯养… -你知道吗?

[34:01.-1]Every day you are becoming more and more like your mother. Excuse me. 你愈来愈像你妈了

[34:06.86]Here we go. 来

[34:09.63]Great place. How long have you lived here? 这房子好漂亮,住在这儿多久了?

[34:12.46]I've been here about six years. 谢谢,我住在这儿六年了

[34:15.63]And Rachel moved in a few months ago. 瑞秋几个月从才搬来

[34:19.67]See,I was supposed to get married, but I left the guy at the altar. 对,我本来应该结婚的 但我在圣堂前离开了新郎

[34:28.38]-Really? -Yeah. -真的? -是的

[34:30.31]Yeah,I know it's pretty selfish, but hey,that's me! 对,我知道我很自私 但我就是这种人

[34:39.66]-Try the hummus. -Monica,what do you do? -试试这个鹰嘴豆沙 -摩妮卡,你从事什么工作?

[34:43.29]I am a chef at a restaurant uptown. 我在上城区一家餐厅的总厨师

[34:46.80]-Good for you. -Yeah,it is. -真有你的 -没错

[34:50.43]Mostly because I get to boss people around,which I just love to do. 因为我喜欢指使别人

[34:57.81]-This hummus is great. -God bless the chickpea. -这个鹰嘴豆沙不错. -上帝保佑鹰嘴豆

[35:06.28]Oh,God! I am so spoiled! 我真是被宠坏了

[35:14.59]That's it. 就这样了

[35:17.39]I shoplift. 我偷东西

[35:21.83]You had no idea that lipstick was in your pocket. 你绝对想不到唇膏在我的口袋中

[35:26.57]Did I tell you that I think I'm so much cuter than I am? 我告诉过你们我比原来可爱多了吗?

[35:31.87]And have I mentioned that back in high school I was a cow? 对了,我有提过,我在高中是条肥猪?

[35:38.38]I used to wet my bed. 我常尿床

[35:41.35]I use my breasts to get people's attention. 我以胸部吸引别人的注意

[35:44.55]We both do that! 我们都一样