

Venture capitalist Maggie Tan:“A new generation of consumers research and access information on the Internet such as Google and Baidu , rather than go to the library. The sharing economy is quick and easy to satisfy their needs.”

除了共享單車和共享住宿外,由於近年來共享經濟蓬勃發展,出現了時尚租賃。衣二三(Y Closet)是北京的一家出租女性服裝和配飾的出租平臺,該公司的目標是時尚的年輕人,擁有夢想和小預算,並在去年完成了由阿里巴巴,軟銀和紅杉資本主導的5000萬美元的籌資。

In addition to sharing cycling and sharing accommodation, Although sharing economy had rapidly booming in recent years, Sharing clothes appeared on the market. Y Closet is a platform that rent women's clothes and accessories in Beijing.Target consumers are young women that have a dream and small goal. At the same time, Y Closet had completed a $ 50 million fund-raising led by Alibaba, Softbank and Sequoia Capital last year.