

[00:38.12]The One With The Boobies 六人行 第1季 第13集 看胸脯

[01:26.33]Honey,tell them the story about your patient... 亲爱的,告诉他们你的病人

[01:30.27]...who thinks things are other things. 如何把事想成另一件事

[01:33.00]When the phone rings and she takes a shower. 例如电话响时她就去洗澡

[01:37.74]That's pretty much it. 差不多是那样

[01:41.-4]-But you tell it really well,sweetie. -Thanks. Okay. -但你说得很好 -谢谢

[01:45.85]Now go away so we can talk about you. 快走开我们才能谈你

[01:48.92]Okay. I'll miss you. 好吧,我会想念你的

[01:52.62]-lsn't he great? -He's cute. He likes you so much. -他很不错吧 -他好帅,也好像很喜欢你

[01:56.29]I know. He's so sweet. And so complicated,you know? 我知道,他人很好,而且很复杂

[02:00.60]And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky. 有点神经质,但是有又不是太神经质

[02:03.90]Think you'll do it on his couch? 他会在沙发上做吗?

[02:06.27]I don't know. That's a little weird. 我不知道…有点奇怪

[02:09.27]It's vinyl. 聚乙稀做的

[02:14.-1]Okay,you guys want anything else? 大家还想要别的吗?

[02:16.51]-Could I have? -We're all out. Anybody else? -要,我要… -抱歉,卖完了,其他人呢?

[02:20.92]Did I miss something? 我是否错过某事?

[02:22.89]No,she's still upset because I saw her boobies. 她很生气因为我看见她的胸脯

[02:26.89]What were you doing seeing her boobies? 你看她的胸脯干吗?

[02:30.10]It was an accident. I wasn't across the street with a telescope. 那是意外,我可不是隔条街用望远镜偷看

[02:35.80]Can we change the subject,please? 能换个话题吗?

[02:38.74]These aren't her "boobies." These are her breasts. 没错,因为那不是她的胸脯 而是她的胸部

[02:43.68]Pheebs,I was hoping for more of a change. 菲比,我要的不只是改变字眼

[02:47.81]I always liked "Bazoombas." 我向来喜欢“波涛汹涌”(俚语)

[02:51.02]Gives them a Latin spin. 给他个拉丁旋转

[02:54.29]Can we drop this already,please? 我们放下这个不说了,好不好?

[02:58.12]Why are you embarrassed? They were very nice boobies. 你为什么要难为情呢? 它们确实是非常好看的胸脯

[03:03.03]"Nice"? They were "nice"? “好看”?他们很“好看”?

[03:06.-3]That's it? I mean,mittens are "nice." 就这样?手套也很好看

[03:10.80]Okay. Rock,hard place. Me. 我…左右为难

[03:20.01]You're so funny! 你真逗

[03:22.51]He's really funny. 他真的很逗

[03:24.75]I wouldn't wanna be there when the laughter stops. 他不笑的时候,我也不想待在这儿

[03:29.25]Whoa,back up there,sparky. 等等,回去上句

[03:32.92]What did you mean by that? 那是什么意思?

[03:35.19]It seems that maybe you have intimacy issues... 你似乎有亲密上的问题

[03:38.60]...that you use your humor to keep people at a distance. 你用你的幽默和人保持距离

[03:45.00]I mean,I just met you. I don't know you from Adam. 我才刚认识你,我从亚当那里没听说过你

[03:49.64]Only child,right? 独子?

[03:52.21]Parents divorced before you hit puberty. 母在你青春期前离婚?

[03:57.-1]-How did you know that? -It's textbook. -你怎会知道? -你很典型

[04:03.12]Hey,you guys. You all know my dad,right? 各位,乔伊.你们都认识我爸吧?

[04:06.82]-How long are you in the city? -Two days. I got a job. -打算在纽约待多久? -就几天.我在市中心有工作

[04:10.53]I'm better off staying with Joey... 我想和乔伊同住

[04:12.90]...than going back and forth on the ferry. 比来回坐渡轮好

[04:15.73]-I don't know this one. -This is my friend Roger. -我没见过他 -他是我朋友罗杰

[04:19.04]-Good to meet you. -You too. -幸会,罗杰 -彼此彼此

[04:21.04]-What happened to the puppet guy? -Dad. -玩布偶的那个怎么了? -爸

[04:25.34]Oh,excuse me. So,Ross,how's the wife? 抱歉,罗斯,你的太太呢?

[04:32.22]0 for 2,huh? 两人出局了?

[04:34.62]Chandler,say something funny. 钱德,说点好笑的

[04:46.-3]I gotta go. Miss you too. 我得挂电话了,我也想你

[04:48.87]-I love you,but it's getting late -Say hi. Hey,Ma. -我爱你,但现在很晚了 -让我向她打声招呼

[04:53.07]I made the appointment with Dr. Bassida and 我和包西达大夫约了时间

[04:57.81]Excuse me? 什么?

[05:02.85]Did you know this isn't Ma? 你知道这不是妈吗?

[05:13.63]Her name's Ronni. 她叫罗妮

[05:15.86]She's a pet mortician. 宠物殡葬业者

[05:21.70]Sure. 当然

[05:23.94]So,how long you been...? 你和她多久了…

[05:28.47]Remember when you were a kid, I'd take you to the navy yard? 记得小时候我常带你去海军军港看大船?

[05:32.84]-Since then? -No,it's only been six years. -从那时候就开始了? -不,才6年

[05:36.68]I wanted you to think of a nice memory so you'd know I'm not a terrible guy. 我只想勾起你美好的回忆 让你不会觉得我一直是个大烂人

[05:43.76]-What are you doing? -Chopping garlic. -你们在干嘛? -切大蒜

[05:46.22]You don't crush it? 你不是把他们压碎的吗?

[05:48.03]You're having an affair, I chop garlic. It's a wacky world. 这是你的风格,我一向都是切的 真是个古怪的世界

[05:53.70]Joe,you ever been in love? 乔伊,你爱过吗?

[05:57.90]-I don't know. -Then you haven't. -我不知道 -那就是没有

[06:01.54]-You're burning tomatoes. -You're one to talk. -你的蕃茄烧焦了 -别想转移话题

[06:07.18]Your dad's in love. The worst part is, it's with two different women. 乔,你老爸爱得无法自拔 最糟的是我爱两个女人

[06:12.35]Oh,man! Please tell me one of them is Ma. 拜托你告诉我其中一个是妈

[06:15.55]Of course one of them's Ma. What's the matter with you? 当然其中一个是你妈,你是怎么搞的?

[06:27.00]It's like if you woke up and found out... 这就像你某天起床突然发现

[06:29.87]...your dad leads this double life. 你爸是个双面人

[06:32.30]He's like actually some spy working for the ClA. 就像是为中情局工作的间谍

[06:36.91]That'd be cool. 那一定很酷

[06:39.04]This blows! 但这个很烂

[06:41.71]Do you think Dad cheated? 你以为爸爸骗你吗?

[06:43.51]I don't think so. That would involve sex. 我没有这么想 过.那一定包括了性是不是

[06:46.38]I'd like to think that our parents don't do that. 我更加趋向于认为我父母没有那么做

[06:53.73]I know. Why can't parents just stay parents? 为何父母就不能是父母?

[06:57.03]Why do they have to become people? Why do they have? 为何他们就得成为人间男女? 为何他们要?

[07:01.70]Why... 为什么…

[07:04.87]...can't you stop staring at my breasts? …别再盯着我的胸部看

[07:09.57]What? 什么?

[07:13.01]What? 什么?

[07:15.15]Didn't you get a good enough look? 那一天你还看得不够吗?

[07:18.12]We're all adults here. There's only one way to resolve this. 我们都已是成年人 此事只有一个解决之道

[07:22.62]Since you saw her boobies you have to show her your pee-pee. 既然你看过她的胸脯 你应该让她看你的小弟弟

[07:36.47]You know, I don't see that happening. 办不到

[07:39.90]Come on. He's right. Tit for tat. 拜托,他说得对.以眼还眼

[07:47.15]Well,I'm not showing you my tat! 我不会让你看的

[07:53.82]-It's Phoebe. -And Rog! -是菲比 -还有罗杰!

[07:57.76]Come on up. 快上来

[07:59.02]Oh,good! Rog is here. 这下可好,罗杰来了

[08:03.23]-What's the matter with Rog? -It's a little thing. I hate that guy! -罗杰有什么不对劲吗? -没什么,小事.我讨厌这家伙

[08:09.13]So he was a little analytical. That's what he does. 为什么?因为他太善于分析 他就是这种人别这样嘛

[08:13.04]Come on,he's not that bad. 他没那么糟

[08:15.14]You're wrong! Why would I marry her... 你错了!如果当初我感觉到

[08:18.14]...if I thought that she was a lesbian? 感觉到她是女同志我何必和她结婚呢?

[08:21.78]I don't know. Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail. 我不知道,或许你想让婚姻失败

[08:30.69]Why? Why would l? Why? 为什么?我为什么这样?为什么?

[08:34.63]I don't know. Maybe low self-esteem? 我不知道,或许自信心不足

[08:38.70]Maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling. Maybe 或许是弥补你让你妹相形见绌的愧疚

[08:43.53]Wait! Go back to that "sibling" thing. 或许…等等,回到妹妹的话题

[08:46.24]Well,I don't know. 什么?我不知道

[08:48.84]You could've sabotaged your marriage... 你要使你的婚姻触礁

[08:52.28]...so the sibling would feel like less of a failure. 让你妹在父母面前不那么抬不起头

[08:59.65]That's ridiculous! I don't feel guilty for her failures. 这太荒谬了 她不争气我并未感到自责

[09:06.49]-You think I'm a failure? -lsn't he good? -你认为我不争气? -他不错吧

[09:09.29]Yeah. No,that's not what I was saying. 我不是那个意思?

[09:12.70]I thought you were on my side. 多年来我以为你支持我

[09:15.00]But maybe you sucked up to them so they'd favor you. 但或许你婚姻失败目的是想巴结爸妈 让他们更心疼你

[09:18.87]I married a lesbian to make you look good! 我娶女同志是想让你建立自信

[09:26.24]You're right. I mean,you're right. 你说得对.我说,你说得对

[09:29.31]It wasn't just the Weebles, but the Weeble Play Palace... 那不是“威伯”的问题 而是威伯游乐宫

[09:35.79]...and the Weeble's Cruise Ship... 和威伯游轮的问题

[09:38.29]...with this lifeboat for the Weebles to wobble in. 它上面的救生艇让威伯能缓缓驶出

[09:43.66]And Mom just gave them all away. 偏偏妈妈把他们都给出去了

[09:47.27]That's tough,tough stuff. 那滋味不好受

[09:50.20]Pheebs,we're gonna catch that movie, we gotta go. 菲比,如果想看电影我们现在该走了

[09:53.67]-Feel better. -We're gonna be late,sweetie. -打起精神来,瑞秋 -菲比,我们快来不及了

[09:57.61]-Thanks for everything,Mon. -No problem. -谢谢你做的一切,摩妮卡 -不客气

[10:00.88]Listen,it was great seeing you again. 各位,很高兴和各位再度见面

[10:05.35]Mon,easy on those cookies,okay? 摩妮卡,饼乾别吃太多

[10:08.49]Remember,they're just food, they're not love. 切记,那只是食物,不是爱

[10:16.73]I hate that guy! 我讨厌这家伙

[10:22.-2]Good night,you guys. 晚安,各位

[10:26.34]Oh,look. It's the woman we ordered. 这是我们订的女人

[10:33.11]Hey,can we help you? 需要帮忙吗?

[10:35.75]No,thanks. I'm just waiting for Joey Tribbiani. 不用,谢谢,我在等乔依

[10:40.42]I'm Joey Tribbiani. 我就是乔依

[10:42.85]Oh,no,not you. Big Joey. Oh,my God! 不是你,是老乔依,天啊

[10:47.09]You're so much cuter than your pictures. 你此照片上帅多了

[10:52.26]I'm Ronni. 我是罗妮

[10:57.10]Cheese Nip? 想吃起司块(夹子)吗?

[11:00.74]Joey's having an embolism, but I'd go for a nip. 乔伊有“栓子”,我要个“夹子”

[11:11.05]Most people, when their pets pass on... 大部份人在宠物过世后

[11:13.82]...want them like they're sleeping. 希望它们就像长眠一样

[11:16.69]Occasionally you get a person who wants them in a pose. 但有些人要他们摆出姿势

[11:20.93]Like chasing their tail. 像追自己的尾巴

[11:23.53]Or jumping to catch a Frisbee. 跳起接住飞盘

[11:28.10]Joey,if I go first, I wanna be looking for my keys. 乔伊,如果我先走 我的姿势要像找钥匙一样

[11:33.30]-That's a good one! -Hey. -这姿势不错! -嗨!

[11:35.07]Hey,Dad. Ronni's here. 嗨,爸爸.罗妮来了

[11:37.51]-Hi. -Hey. -嗨 -嘿

[11:39.81]Hello,babe! What are you doing here? 宝贝,你来干什么?

[11:44.62]Oh,you left your hair at my place. 你的假发留在我的住处

[11:47.69]I thought you'd need it tomorrow. 我想你明天用得上

[11:53.12]Thank you. 谢谢

[11:55.93]So,who's up for a big game of Kerplunk? 谁想玩“科普朗克”?

[12:03.07]Look,I shouldn't have come. 我不该来这儿

[12:06.30]I better go. I'll miss the train. 我该走了,我不想错过最后一班地铁

[12:08.77]-I don't want you taking that thing. -Where do I stay? Here? -不,我不要你坐这么晚的车 -我要住哪儿?这里?

[12:15.11]We'll go to a hotel. 我们去住饭店

[12:17.55]We'll go to a hotel. 我们去住饭店

[12:20.22]-No,you won't. -No,we won't. -不行 -不行

[12:22.55]If you go to a hotel, you'll be doing stuff. 你们去饭店就一定会办事

[12:25.56]I want you here so I can keep an eye on you. 我要你们待在这儿,这样我就可以监视

[12:28.56]-You're gonna keep an eye on us? -Right. -你要监视我们 -没错

[12:31.80]As long as you are under my roof... 只要住在我家

[12:34.53]...you're gonna live by my rules. —切就得听我的

[12:40.50]That means no sleeping with your girlfriend. 那就是不准你们睡在一起

[12:44.11]Wow,he's strict. 他好严格

[12:47.28]Dad,you'll be in my room. You can stay in Chandler's room. 爸,你睡我房间 罗妮,你睡钱德的房间

[12:51.22]And Chandler will be? 那钱德呢?

[12:53.68]Out here with me,bunking up. 在这和我一起,轮船铺位

[12:56.00]Oh,bunking up. If you smell s'mores, don't be alarmed. 轮船铺位.如果问到烟味 不要拉警报哦

[13:00.62]Thanks. You're a good kid. 谢谢,你真是个好孩子

[13:03.33]I'll show you to my room. 我带你去看我房间

[13:07.00]That sounds weird not followed by, "No,it's late." 感觉真奇怪 你没说“不,谢了,时候不早了”

[13:15.11]This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you gotta change. 只有今晚,明天你们就得做出改变

[13:20.31]Change? 改变?

[13:21.55]-Break up with Ronni -I can't! -和罗妮分手 -我不能!