
Kyrie apologizes for saying the Earth is flat



“At the time, I was huge into conspiracies. Everybody’s been there. Everybody’s been there like, ‘Whoa! What’s going on with our world?!”


“At the time, you’re like innocent in it, but you realize the effect of the power of voice. Even if you believe in that, just don’t come out and say that stuff – it’s for intimate conversations because perception while you’re received changes. I’m actually a smart-ass individual … At the time, I just didn’t realize the effect … I’m sorry about all that….


“So I’m sorry about all that: all the science teachers coming up to me going ‘You know I have to reteach my whole curriculum.’ I’m sorry! I apologize. I apologize.”


[–][UTA] Mehmet Okurkiticus 3766 指標 3小時前

Lol, apologizes for saying it, says he learned to keep his opinions to "intimate conversations", and NEVER actually says that he DOESN'T think the earth is flat!

Kyrie, you're a real character! Haha



[–]iguot3388 819 指標 3小時前

Getting intimate w Kyrie: "baby lets pour that wax all on me"

Kyrie: girl dont you think parkland shooting was a false flag



[–]BucksPantherU 216 指標 1小時前

Girl: "Oh Kyrie, I can't believe how hot you get me baby"




[–]Rocketspipsdontsqueak 1054 指標 3小時前

He used to be big into conspiracies back then. He still is, but he used to be too.


[譯註1]美國喜劇演員Mitch Hedberg的經典段子:“我以前吸毒。我現在也還吸毒,但是我以前也吸。”(I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too)

[–]deck13 313 指標 4小時前

This is all a part of the conspiracy, they now want you to think that Kyrie no longer thinks that the world is flat lol


[–]Lakersram0h 69 指標 3小時前

I actually think this was the best way forward. If he is still really skeptical about certain things it is on him, but he now realizes the impact sharing his opinions to the masses are, and that he will refrain to do that with things he doesnt feel like he can do with certainty


[–]Nosalis2 74 指標 3小時前

He's just saying this so everyone can finally hop off his dick & stop asking him about it in every single interview.


[–]BucksTheGoldenSSTicket 123 指標 3小時前

Tbh he should have saw that coming. If you say some irrational shit you should be prepared to take the consequences


[–]CelticsEmiajbeau 79 指標 2小時前

Unless you are the president. Point guards though, society's true leaders, better watch it.


[–]LakersSomeGuyInSanJoseCa 464 指標 4小時前

Eh, that was more of a round-about apology.


[–]Spurswidelyruled 272 指標 3小時前

I too noticed he never explicitly retracted his position that the world is flat -- just that he's sorry about the perception and effect.


[–]Mavericksclonemusic 116 指標 3小時前

Also made sure to mention how smart he is lol


[–]Trail Blazersmm825 92 指標 3小時前



[譯註2]最高法院法官提名人Brett Kavanaugh在聽證會的拙劣表現引起各方調侃。在為針對自己的性侵指控辯解時,他提到自己上了耶魯,努力取得了優異成績。

[–][PHI] JaVale McGeebrady25 309 指標 3小時前

“I'm actually a smart ass individual”

Kyrie Irving, 2018


[–]BucksHard4Favra 856 指標 4小時前

Big whiff for the "he's just trolling guise" crowd.


[–]bowmanc 163 指標 3小時前

I think Kyrie is just a blurry creature, it is not the defenders fault


[–]mrilly 309 指標 3小時前

This dude follows a ton of flat earth IG pages


[–][LAL] Didier Ilunga-Mbengahonditar 171 指標 3小時前*

holy shiiiit lol he is actually dumb confirmed

sooooo many Celtics fans tried tellin me he was trolling smh



[–]RaptorsVinceJumpmanCarter 86 指標 3小時前

According to himself, he's actually a smart-ass individual. He'd fit right in here at r/nba


[–]LarBrd33 102 指標 1小時前*

Look, if he's trolling it's a pretty fucking pointless trolljob since all it's doing is making people question his intelligence.


This all started in the Road Trippin podcast where he was candidly talking to his teammates about Aliens and his conspiracy theories. I suggest people listen to it if they haven't heard it in-context: https://youtu.be/mzjL9JxSFAk?t=748. In it, he made it clear that he's a big time conspiracy theorist. In every single interview this has been brought up since, he's either reiterated that he genuinely believes the world is flat - or slightly changed the subject to express his frustration that people look at him as unintelligent for having different beliefs.

這件事始於《Road Trippin》播客的一期節目,歐文坦率地和他的隊友們談論外星人還有他的各種陰謀論。如果你們還沒有聽過的話,我建議大家結合上下文聽一聽那段內容。

YouTube鏈接:歐文做客播客節目《Road Trippin》>>


At the time this made news, it wasn't just that he thought the world was flat. He was clearly a big time conspiracy theorist. He doubted the moon landing. He said that Alien movies were proof they existed since "nobody is that creative". He questioned who was behind the deaths of JFK and Bob Marley.


He even questioned the authenticity of Dinosaur bones. People looked at his instagram and twitter and it was clear he had been following conspiracy theory pages for years - so he obviously had a passionate interest in this stuff. It's also fair to note that Kyrie reportedly belongs to Carl Lentz evangelical celebrity cult "hillsong church" where they believe in creationism - so it's fair to say Kyrie just distrusts Science in general.

他甚至質疑恐龍骨骼的真實性。人們當時查了他的Instagram和推特,顯然,歐文之前已經關注陰謀論的頁面很久了——所以他顯然對這些內容充滿了興趣。同樣值得注意的是,據報道,歐文屬於Carl Lentz福音派名人團體“新頌教會”,這個團體信仰神造論——所以,說歐文總體上不相信科學還是有依據的。

Even in this interview, he at no point says he doesn't believe the world is flat. He's doing the same thing he always does - changes the subject to express his frustration that people think he's unintelligent for having alternate beliefs:


""Even if you believe in that, don't come out and say that stuff. That's for intimate conversations because perception and how you're received, it changes. I'm actually a smart-ass individual,"


""At the time I didn't realize the effect. I was definitely at that time, 'I'm a big conspiracy theorist. You can't tell me anything.' I'm sorry about all that. For all the science teachers, everybody coming up to me like, 'You know I have to reteach my whole curriculum!' I'm sorry. I apologize. I apologize,"


Once again, nowhere in here is he saying "I was trolling" or "it was a joke" or "i believe the world is round now". He's actually just confirming once again that he genuinely believed in those conspiracy theories and presumably still believes in them. He's apologizing to teachers for forcing them to change their curriculum.


If anything, he's just quadrupling down on something he already triple downed and double downed on last year. The guy believes the world is flat. It is what it is.


I personally think it's a weird belief, but the dude still is an awesome basketball player, seems like a great person, and seems thoughtful and intelligent. The GM of our team is a Mormon Bishop. Some of the beliefs in Mormonism are fucking batshit crazy insane in my opinion - but I still see Danny Ainge as a genius. And no, I don't think Danny is "trolling". Whatever.


[–][NYK] Kyle O'Quinnbdoded 249 指標 4小時前

OK u can come to the knicks now


[–][BKN] Vince CarterJeffKaplanIsDaddy 192 指標 4小時前

"I'm good"




[–]PistonsCrispyBalooga 140 指標 4小時前

he STILL never said he didn't believe it lmaooo


[–]poopfeast180 142 指標 4小時前

hes apologizing for saying it kek.

i dont get it man i just dont get why he believes it.



[–]PistonsCrispyBalooga 111 指標 4小時前

he watched a youtube video that told him the government was lying to him, apparently that's good enough for him


[–]Rocketsdepressiown 328 指標 3小時前

A lot of these conspiracies take hold with people because folks want to feel smart. If they think they know something that goes against the majority of what society believes/knows, they think they're in some sort of exculsive super-smart club. Smarter than the average bear, because only they know this thing. I have to believe a lot of flat earthers and moon landing deniers fall into this category of person.


But no, sometimes ideas aren't accepted by society because they're fucking stupid and demonstrably false. They are objectively wrong. Even giving these ideas the time of day is harmful, not intelligent. It's not open-minded, it's just dumb.
