
At this time last year, Kawhi and Boogie were considered loyal players while Paul George was considered a snake.


But now, Paul George is considered loyal for staying with OKC while Boogie and Kawhi are total snakes. Also, Hayward was a snake for a while until he hurt his ankle. Really makes you think


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesAndrE_VieuX 1832 指標 11小時前

I remember Boogie coming of the field after beating GSW yelling "fuck Golden State"


[–]Baconmazing 1390 指標 10小時前

Boogie isn't a snake because he didn't "backstab." He left a team that he wasn't drafted by, that he played for 1 year for, in free agency. Hayward proved he wasn't a snake because snakes don't have ankles, so how could he break his ?


[–]RaptorsFahCough 332 指標 9小時前



[–]Wizardskj78ou78o7 166 指標 7小時前*

Yeah, OP's just pandering for upvotes here. No one thinks Boogie is disloyal, they just hate where he went.


[–]red-sand 114 指標 9小時前

Not to mention the Pelicans didn’t to pay him. It really seems like they didn’t want him back. Which was smart because they need someone like Randle who can play right now if they want to make the playoffs.


[–]Celticspeachesgp 42 指標 9小時前

I thought they had a non-minimum contract on the table after he was hurt.


[–]Baconmazing 91 指標 9小時前

Nah. He was looking for a place to give him a full contract and noone would so he said "F everyone, im going to the Warriors for 0$"


[–]CelticsTreyAdell 564 指標 11小時前

Being Loyal is overrated and player should have no expectation to live up to these ideals we force on them. Players will make decisions for their own lives and teams will make decisions based on the need for their own franchise, neither is inherently bad.


[–]SpursThePerfectScreenName 79 指標 9小時前

"Loyalty" isn’t even an actual, consistent principle that r/nba holds anyway. I don’t take any of this seriously as anything more than a way to feel morally justified killing someone for finding a better job.


[–]RaptorsSprinkle_Salt 124 指標 9小時前

Yet we should be able to view a player how we want based on what actions said player takes. They can do what they want, we can think and say what we want.


[–]PistonsDeadbeatdaughtr 72 指標 8小時前

in theory, but almost no one holds it against franchises, at least not their own, for their cutthroat decisions(see IT in Boston) even though they make hundreds of millions of dollars and have secure financial positions, while players have a decade, if they're lucky, to try and make as much money as they're ever going to make. No one is saying you don't have the right to criticize players, I'm saying it's dumb to hold them to a higher standard than the organizations they play for.


[–]red-sand 214 指標 9小時前

No one except disgruntled Indiana fans ever considered PG to be a snake. He told them in advance he expected to leave in FA, which allowed the Pacers to trade him and get a return.


[–]PistonsPMmeuroneweirdtrick 95 指標 9小時前

But also tanked his value once it went public that he wanted to go to the Lakers


[–]ThunderBrotherSeamus 29 指標 8小時前

Pacers got plenty of value for him IMO.


[–][IND] Reggie Milleryutingxiang 81 指標 8小時前

No one knew exactly how good Oladipo and Sabonis were going to be last year, though. Everyone thought the Pacers were getting fleeced at the time and just getting what they could due to George tanking his trade value.


[–]Raptors Bandwagonme_for_president2032 90 指標 9小時前

PG is ride or die if he’s in a situation he likes. Unfortunately that last Pacers team he was a part of was a bad mesh of individuals, playing styles, and Bird made a lot of decisions that went against PG’s loyalties (trading Hill, firing Vogel).


PG is a good dude and he will end up embracing OKC and loving it there. He really tried hard to do that with Indy for the majority of his time here, just didn’t work in the end

❤️ u paul



[–]WestVerySadAllTheTime 221 指標 11小時前

The whole snake thing is very tired


[–]Raptorswilcox1232 141 指標 11小時前

No players are loyal. No teams are loyal. Loyalty is a joke


[–]Mavericksfcbayernmuenchen 85 指標 11小時前

Dont forget daddy Dirk


[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliDctr_K 100 指標 11小時前



[–]76ersBudotsKing 63 指標 10小時前

Y'all acting like switching teams would ruin lives. These players have their lives to live. Let them play where they please. Sports is insigbificant in the grand scheme of things to judge a person's character from the team he chooses to play for.
