
Mamba Mentality: I’ll go out and i’ll drink with you, but the next morning I’m banging at your door at 5 in the morning”.




[–]Cavaliersx4candles 132 points 12 hours ago

Luke Walton showed up smelling like booze for Lakers practice... Kobe made sure it was a nightmare for him.



[–]Trail Blazersdissphemism 133 points 10 hours ago

Luke lowkey bragging he singlehandedly held Kobe to 70 points during scrimmage while drunk


[–]Rotarymagic 69 points 9 hours ago



[–]76ersrustypig 1005 points 14 hours ago

Kobe, it's 5am, I know you're drunk but stop fucking my door.


[–]Celticsbandingo62 378 points 13 hours ago

Smush Parker extremely upset in his bedroom after a night of drinking, slams the door heading into the bathroom to puke for the third time. Someone who broke into his house yells, "Smush come on, quit being a f****** p***y!" [It] was Kobe Bryant.



[–]zannet_t 74 points 11 hours ago

This new pasta is so versatile I love it


[–]CelticsMeowMing 403 points 14 hours ago

Isn't sleep especially important for athletes?


[–]thehumangenius23 224 points 13 hours ago

Naps, baby.


[–]Nugur 185 points 11 hours ago

Had a friend in Vegas. We were gonna go dayclub but he said he was tired from the night before so he say he'll go take a nap. Turns out he was hooking up with a chick. Just a random nap story I wanted to share.

我在拉斯維加斯有個朋友。有次,我們本來去白總會(白天也開門的夜總會),結果他說他昨晚太累了所以現在要去小睡下。後來我們才知道他是去睡妞去了 。就是想分享一個關於小睡的小故事。

[–]EricJrNotBryan 85 points 11 hours ago

Thank you for sharing this


[–]veto402 276 points 13 hours ago

Yes, and there comes the learning experience for the young guys. They party on a night they should have gone to bed early, and because they didn't, Kobe makes sure they understand the consequences to their actions.


They have a shit day and then say to themselves "Drinking that much and partying for that long was not worth it." Kobes hope is that this revelation turns into behavioral changes for his teammates.


[–]Supersonicsgwh21 148 points 13 hours ago

And Kobe was just insane enough to actually be able to go to the gym wasted and get in a solid workout.


[–]Rain885 125 points 12 hours ago

He probably was smart with how he drank, maybe nursed one or two, and being 6-6 that's easier for him.

On hard knock Chad Ochocinco said he would get cranberry juice and everyone thought he had a drink. He would still party but was careful.


在Hard Knock節目上,Chad Ochocinco說他平常喝的都是蔓越莓汁,而所有人都以為他在喝酒。他是會參加派對,只不過很謹慎。

[–]Pelicanszacree 49 points 11 hours ago

My dad instilled in me at a very young age the habit of drinking an entire glass of water to "earn" any other kind of beverage. Mostly so that I wouldn't be thirsty enough to actually want the bottle of Coke, but I kept that going at the bars. One whole glass of water, one cocktail, one whole glass of water, one cocktail. I've never had a hangover.


[–]WarriorsZWT_ 99 points 11 hours ago

If I did this I'd be taking a piss every 20 minutes.


[–]LakersChuckdatass 80 points 11 hours ago

I don't do this and piss every 20 minutes when I start drinking a few beers


[–]Sunspatocalles 480 points 14 hours ago

Butler: I'll go out and I'll drink with you, but the next morning I'm banging your hot GF at 5 in the morning".



[–][LAL] Metta World PeaceWalrusInMySheets 9 points 12 hours ago

He gave her the real eggplant



[–]Raptorsthegoodbadandsmoggy 71 points 12 hours ago

KAT: I'll go out and drink with you, but the next morning we're streaming FortNite on twitch at 5 in the morning.


[–]WarriorsWakingRage 22 points 11 hours ago

KAT plays PUBG over Fortnite. Josh Hart is the one I'm afraid of actually streaming Fortnite at 5 in the morning.


[–]Raptorssteveodore 133 points 13 hours ago

Steve Nash brought up a good point about "Mamba Mentality" on Bill Simmons podcast: "mamba mentality" doesn't really work because you have to work with each player's unique psychology to find their maximum potential. What worked for Kobe isn't universal.


[–]TheShagMan 77 points 13 hours ago

I think it's more of a personal philosophy than a universal leadership style.

Everyone's got a unique psychology but deepening competitiveness and focus can be a goal for all.



[–]somaandfeelies 37 points 10 hours ago

I don't think Kobe was really trying to tell them they should be up at 5 am practicing with him. It sounds more like telling them they have three options: leave him out of their stupidity, rest up, take it slow and be ready for the back to back or else play stupid games with Kobe and win stupid prizes.

Someone's repeatedly pressuring me to live their lifestyle that I find suboptimal and maybe I'll do the same just to prove a point.

