

售 票 須 知





免 票 對 象

▶ 身高1.2m(含1.2m)以下或6週歲(含6週歲)以下的兒童;

▶ 全國現役軍人(含武警)、記者(持新聞總署頒發的記者證)、僧尼、導遊(持全國導遊證)、全國勞動模範、全國道德模範、殘疾人、離休幹部、殘疾軍人、烈士家屬;

▶ 全國七十週歲以上(含七十週歲)的老年人;

▶ 全國的教師(僅限教師節當天)。

半 票 對 象

▶ 身高1.2m以上—1.5m或6週歲—18週歲(含18週歲)以下的未成年人;

▶ 全日制普通學校的在校學生(不包括夜大、電大、網絡教育、遠程教育、成人教育、繼續教育、脫產教育等);

▶ 全國六十週歲至六十九週歲的老年人;

▶ 符合減免對象人員請持本人有效證件至檢票處核對後進山;


Ticket Notes

1. According to the spirit of Zhoushan Development and reform commission【2018】No 37 document, the admission ticket to Mount Putuo Scenery is 120 RMB/person in January and December, 160 RMB/person from February to November, 180 RMB/person in lunar January 1stto 5th(Spring Festival), May 1stto 3rdand October 1stto 5th.

2. The following persons enjoy free admission ticket:

(ⅰ) Children at or under 1.2m (or at 6 or under 6 years old).

(ⅱ) Soldiers in active military service including armed police, journalists holding press cards issued by General Administration of Press and Publication or State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, guides holding China Tour Guide Certificate, national model workers, national moral models, monks and nuns, handicapped persons, retired cadres, disabled revolutionary servicemen and the families of martyrs.

(ⅲ) Chinese seniors at or over 70 years old.

(ⅳ) Chinese teachers (only free on teachers’day).

3. The following persons enjoy half-priced admission ticket:

(ⅰ) Children between 1.2m and 1.5m (or between 6 and 18 years old including 18 years old).

(ⅱ) Full-time students (evening college , broadcast& television College, net education, distance education, adult education, continuing education and off-job education students not included).

(ⅲ) Chinese seniors between 60 and 69 years old.

4. Persons who enjoy free or half-priced admission ticket must present valid certificates at Check-in.

5. This ticket does not include the access to temples or Mount Luojia.




