

If a coin with high silver content is kept underground for a long time or is affected by other adverse factors, a thick layer of oxide will be formed on its surface. The coin should be soaked in an ammonia solution for one hour (90% water and 10% concentrated ammonia). If there is no ammonia solution, the sodium carbonate solution (30 grams of edible soda dissolved in 100 grams of water) can be prepared instead. Place the coins in the solution for several hours until the oxide is completely dissolved.


If silver coins with high silver content are only slightly oxidized, it is best to clean them with ammonia solution, sodium carbonate solution and toothpaste in a paste. This paste should be soft with hands and has no small hard particles. The method is to use a finger or a soft brush to gently apply it on the surface of the coin, after the oxide dissolved, rinse it off with clean water.


Silver with low silver content as an intermediate alloy will turn green when severely oxidized. Cleaning this coin is best cleaned with 5% diluted sulfuric acid solution. When the green rust layer is dissolved and retreated, the silver content is cleaned by cleaning silver. But if the oxide on the surface of the silver coin is very uniform, it is not necessary to wash it.


Coins generally do not need to be cleaned, especially if they can not be wiped with plain rubber or with glass fiber swab sticks sold on the market, which will scratch the surface of the coin.