
Arguably the GOAT team photo: Sacramento Kings holding up middle fingers


[–]Cavaliersdmeserb 1522 指標 12小時前

It's like the photographer said "Now say 'Lakers'"


[–]RaptorsStevenE007 522 指標 11小時前

He might've even said 'Now say Referees'


[–]Celticswgh74ghigj 95 指標 9小時前

When the photographer tells everyone to say "Clutch Timeout"



[–]Trail BlazersNindoKungFu 147 指標 10小時前



[–]76erscharliedarwinsfather 79 指標 9小時前

fucking poster boy for punchable faces. jesus.


[–]RaptorsKawhiGotUsNow 94 指標 9小時前

Lol I hated this gif too but I admired how he was still at games when lakers were trash the last 4 years. Gotta respect that.


[–][LAL] Lonzo BallSDF05 47 指標 8小時前

Yeah he shows up at a lot of Lakers games. He even has signs too. Pretty sure the Lakers PR team gives him those stuff (he even gets camera shots too during games). Seems like a great guy tbh.


[–]HeatelbooN[] 511 指標 11小時前

Did Doug Christie get permission from his wife for this?



[–]SunsNabz23 180 指標 11小時前

lmaooo yoo, I remember watching ESPN back in the day and seeing him walk out of a game with his wife


[–]MavericksTheCocksmith 69 指標 9小時前

The dude is (whipped)2, with that stupid ass hand gesture he used to make before shooting free throws.


[–]confswag26 35 指標 9小時前

I don't think you understand what whipped means.


[–]KnicksBenjaminJamesGrimm 94 指標 9小時前

Seems whipped to me.

Chick used to follow the team bus to make sure he didn't cheat, and he was cool with it.



[–]HornetsYizWasHere 63 指標 8小時前

I think his wife like literally whipped him. I remember some post in this sub from a while back talking about some dominatrix sextape they made.



[–]PelicansLookLikeUpToMe 217 指標 11小時前

25 didn’t get the memo


[–]ThunderMuphynManIV 114 指標 10小時前

Dragic didn't get the memo either

[譯註3]:2015年一場公牛對陣太陽的比賽中,羅斯在攻守轉換中隔扣了德拉季奇。當時解說員Stacey King喊道:“停下停下!別想攔住羅斯!德拉季奇你想啥呢!你開會時溜號了啊??羅斯是可以飛的!”

[–][MIN] Terrell BrandonThorvaldsonMusic 177 指標 12小時前

What about the Spanish national team doing the asian eyes thing. That was really classy


[–]Knickstransuhhh 101 指標 10小時前

Before the Beijing Olympics no less


[–]Raptors100percentpureOJ 91 指標 9小時前

Mens Team


Womens Team


For context this happened in 2008 so it's not like anyone knew any better.


[–]Warriorsthelawofreflection 345 指標 12小時前

damn is that turkoglu, bottom and second from the left


[–]Bullsraebake 249 指標 12小時前


I'm trying to hammer down exactly what year this is, but that era of Kings team was so ridiculously stacked that their second team could've been .500ish a few years later: (Bobby Jackson, Hedo, Gerald Wallace, Scott Pollard, and...well four of their second team, anyway).



[–]thanif 73 指標 10小時前

Post white chocolate/peak Sacramento kings. Early 00's when they where battling Kobe/Shaq Lakers for supremacy in the west.

Yes this team was stacked AF.



[–]KingsDaksimus 57 指標 10小時前

You're thinking of the 2003 Kings.

Their bench was Bobby Jackson, Jimmy Jackson, Hedo Turkoglu, Keon Clark, Scott Polard.

樓上的樓上,你說的是2003年的國王。他們的替補是鮑比-傑克遜、吉米-傑克遜、特科格魯、Keon Clark、斯科特-波拉德。

My favorite part about that season was that lots of announcers thought that the Kings bench unit would have been top 4 in the East. They were going to win the title that year until Webber blew out his knee in game 2 against the Mavs in the second round


[–]76ersbackxstab 83 指標 12小時前

I think this is the 2003 - 2004 Kings. This is the exact roster in NBA Live 2003.

照片中是2003-04賽季的國王吧,NBA Live 2003中的球隊名單就是這樣的。

[–]Kingsgnullify 104 指標 11小時前

Close, 2001-2002. It's the only year Chucky Brown (bottom left) played for the Kings

國王球迷:差不多,是2001-02賽季的。Chucky Brown(最後一行左邊)只在那一個賽季效力了國王。

[–]ReliantG 175 指標 10小時前

Being a Kings fan during this era, it still depresses me how it turned out.


[–]KingsToeknee99 100 指標 8小時前

Yup, I honestly believe if that team doesn't screwed out of the finals in 2002, they would have been remembered as one of the great championship teams. The selfless teamwork with which that team played was phenomenal.


[–]LakersEconomicTech 17 指標 7小時前

That team was ridiculously good at finding the open man. Webber and Divac through some crazy passes, and the 3 point shooting was crazy. I think Peja was in the shoot out that year?


And yes... the game was jacked up. As excited as I might have been to see that comeback, it was 8 on 5... :(

而且沒錯……那場西決是被黑掉的。看到我湖打出的反撲確實很令人激動,但那時我們確實是八打五沒錯...... :(

[–]KingsBigGreekMike 10 指標 5小時前

I think we would have been like the Spurs. Adelman would've been our Pop, Petrie our RC Buford, and even the Maloofs probably would've made enough money on the team that they would've been regarded as good owners.


But alas, the darkest timeline—where the Lakers have five rings, Trump is our President, and the Kings are the greatest what-if in laughingstock history.


[–]Thunderfabiotheiguana 33 指標 8小時前

That WCF between Kings and Lakers was so heartbreaking to 11 yr old me I straight gave up basketball completely until LeBron won his first ring. Imagine my disappointment when I decided to root OKC that year lol
