

Jun 12, 2018 - Your intuition is heightened almost to the point of telepathy today. Aries, you may be able to sense what others want and need even before they know it themselves. You could also experience a few visionary impressions that prove valuable inspiration for creative and artistic work. When images well up from your psyche, don't dismiss them as irrelevant. They could make a big difference in your life right now.

2018年6月12日 - 你的直覺幾乎已經提升到了今天的心靈感應,白羊座,你甚至可以在他們自己知道之前就能夠感受到別人想要和需要的東西,還可以體驗到一些有遠見的印象 這對創意和藝術作品來說是有價值的靈感,當你的心靈形象出現時,不要將它們視為無關緊要的東西,它們現在可以對你的生活產生重大影響。

Jun 12, 2018 - A get-together with a group of your closest friends could bring about some intense communication, with many revealing some of your deepest concerns, Taurus. Your thinking should be greatly influenced by feeling, so you might experience a high level of understanding that your friends are going to appreciate. This could well bring all of you closer together and increase future contact. Enjoy your day!


2018年6月12日 - 和一群你最親密的朋友聚在一起可以帶來一些激烈的交流,很多人會表露出你最深切的擔憂,金牛座。你的想法應該受到感覺的很大影響,所以你 可能會有很高的理解,認為你的朋友會欣賞,這可能會讓你們所有人更加接近,增加未來的聯繫,享受你的一天!

Jun 12, 2018 - A heightened level of intuition and understanding of others might catapult you to the center of attention at a gathering, Gemini. Knowledge combined with experience results in wisdom today. Insights could lead to more efficient ways of doing things. You'll probably pass this on to others, especially since more than one person could ask you for insights into their particular situation. Don't forget your sense of humor. Life is serious enough.


2018年6月12日 - 直覺和對他人理解水平的提高可能會讓你在雙子座的聚會中成為關注的焦點。 知識與經驗相結合,今天帶來了智慧。 洞察力可能會導致更有效的做事方式。 您可能會將此傳遞給其他人,尤其是因為不止一個人可能會要求您瞭解他們的具體情況。 不要忘記你的幽默感。 生活很嚴肅。
