


姓  surname

名  first (given) name

性別 sex

出生日期 birth date

國籍 nationality

護照號  passport No.

編號 control No.

簽發地  Issue At

簽發日期 Issue Date (或On)

失效日期(或必須在...日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)

停留期為...... for stays of

10天 ten days

8周  eight weeks

3個月   three months

6個月   six months

1年  one year

3年  three years

簽證種類 visa type(class)


王小姐到美國使館簽證,簽證官Bob Jones受理她的申請。

B: Hello miss. Can I see your ticket number?


W: Sure, here you are. And here are my application forms as well.


B: Thank you miss...Wang. I'm Bob Jones and I'll be handling your application.


W: Nice to meet you Mr. Jones.


B: The first step is to determine your eligibility for a U.S. visa. Let's see here...you're applying for a special business visa. Why is that?


W: Well, my first order of business will be attending a conference in Seattle, but after that I intend to spend two weeks visiting my friends. I assumed a business visa would be required.


簽證官Bob說,首先要確定王小姐是否符合申請美國簽證的標準,eligibility 是符合標準的意思。簽證官問王小姐為什麼要申請一種特殊商務簽證,a special business visa.。王小姐解釋說,她是先到西雅圖開會,first order of business 意思是第一件要處理的事情,然後還準備去看朋友。

B: I think a regular visitor's visa should suffice. With this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90days.


W: So I can attend conferences and do business on that visa?


B: Yes. You are free to do temporary business with this visa. If you were planning on setting up a new business in the U.S. you might need to apply for a long-term visa.


W: Oh, I see. I think 90 days is more than enough time.


簽證官覺得,王小姐申請一般的旅遊簽證a regular visitor's visa,就可以了,suffice 是足夠的意思,她憑旅遊簽證能在美國停留90天,而且也可以做生意。王小姐說,90天的時間已經足夠了。

B: You said you plan to attend a conference. May I see your official invitation letter?


W: Of course...I've also attached two reference letters from my senior management who can confirm my itinerary.


B: I see. Your passport has quite a few international stamps in it. You do a lot of business traveling?


W: I'm out of the country almost half a year. I'm a Chinese antiquities consultant and advisor. Our company has an office in Zurich.


王小姐把會議方的邀請函,the official invitation letter,交給簽證官,還附加了兩份公司主管的信,證明她的行程,itinerary. 她說自己 I'm out of the country almost half a year,每年幾乎有半年的時間不在國內,簽證官說王小姐護照上有quite a few international stamps, 這裡所說的 international stamps,是指入出境時在護照上蓋的章。原來,王小姐是中國古蹟專家,她所在的公司在蘇黎世有辦公處。