GET引用名人名言正確姿勢 讓雅思口語突破七分

其實在我們寫dissertation 或者essay的時候會經常用到quotation,那我們雅思口語考試的時候是否也能用quotation 呢?


首先來跟隨武漢環球教育王馮駿子老師來看下七分詞彙評分標準,裡面有一項是uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics; uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary.....

這樣的話我們是可以用一些quotation 來引用一些名人名言或者諺語來回答考官的問題。

我們再看七分fluency and coherence 的評分規則要求需要做到speak at length以及詞彙中需要uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility。用quotation 是可以讓學生做到說話有長度,並且一般都會用到不同從句讓語法多樣化的展現。


第一種方法是直接引用,As XXXX once said來開頭,知道作家的名字的就可以直接加進來。

舉個例子,as Oscar Wild once said,但是有些作家名字太長了或者很難發音像尼采 Friedrich Nietzsche,這個時候我們又該如何開頭呢?我們可以不用作家名字開頭,可以這樣

As an old saying goes,

As a traditional proverb goes,

As a famous saying goes,


A proverb has been passed down from generation to generation such as .......



在考試中,我們會經常說到sth is important,這個時候我們可以根據 Friedrich Nietzsche 說的原話without music,life would be a mistake. 可以改編without sth,life would be a mistake.

還有一句話a life without friends,is a life without sunshine. 我們可以把friends 換成sth,任何你覺得重要的東西。那我們來練習一個題目:Is it important for children to learn art?大家想想可以怎麼回答呢?


1.Do you like history?

Yes, I'm especially/particularly/extremely enthusiastic about history.

As the traditional Chinese proverb goes " the former's mistake is the latter's lesson", people can also learn from the failure in the past.


2.Do you like boats?

Definitely,cruise is my favorite.

As a traditional saying goes: "a man who travels far knows more."讀萬卷書不如行萬里路

So travelling by ship can give us a chance enjoy and explore more about the world.

3.What kinds of jewelry do you like to buy?

You know,I am a big fan of simple jewelry such as a black choker.

I think "less is more." 少即是多

Minimalism style accessories can show my personality.

4.How do Chinese people show politeness?

You know,as a traditional proverb goes,"courtesy demands reciprocity"禮尚往來

We Chinese people always send each other gifts on special or traditional festivals.

5.Who teach you to be polite ?

My parents taught me how to be in good manners when I was studying in primary school,such as courtesy expressions "please,excuse me"

Besides,when I go to middle school,I get to know that " China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies" from my Chinese teacher. 中國是禮儀之邦

Moreover,I also learn from the peer's behavior.

