如何在 Arch Linux 中查找已安装的专有软件包


| libunrar | nonfree | | part of nonfree unrar, Issue442 |


| opera | nonfree | | nonfree, nondistributable, built from binary installers, etc |


| shutter | nonfree | | need registered user to download (and access website) the source code and depends perl-net-d|


| ttf-ms-fonts | nonfree | | |


| ttf-ubuntu-font-family | nonfree | | Ubuntu font license considered non-free by DFSG and Fedora |


| unace | nonfree | | license forbids making competing ACE archivers from unace |


| unrar | nonfree | unar | |

| | | fsf | |

| | | unrar | |


| virtualbox | nonfree | | contains BIOS which needs a nonfree compiler to build from source (OpenWatcom compiler), doe|


| wordnet | nonfree | | |


Save list to file? (Y/n)

如你所见,我的系统中有 47 个专有软件包。就像我说的那样,我们可以将它保存到文件中稍后查看。为此,当提示你将列表保存在文件时,请按 y。然后按 y 接受默认值,或按 n 以你喜欢的格式和位置来保存它。

Save list to file? (Y/n) y

Save as markdown table? (Y/n) y

Save it to (/tmp/tmpkuky_082.md): y

The list is saved at /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/y.md

You can review it from the command line

using the "less -S /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/y.md"

or, if installed, the "most /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/y.md" commands

你可能已经注意到,我只有 nonfree 包。它还会显示另外两种类型的软件包,例如 semifree、 uses-nonfree。






Absolutely Proprietary

via: https://www.ostechnix.com/find-installed-proprietary-packages-arch-linux/

本文由 LCTT 原创编译, Linux中国 荣誉推出