

In the visual world, there is all wisdom. Design is the aggregate of visual intelligence. The designer holds a sharp knife, removes the impurity straight into the thing’s core, displays the ultimate pure visual wisdom.The “IMOLA” ceramic showroom is located at the southern tip of Beijing CBD, a fashion-leading and innovative shopping center for household building materials-the Shili River. The whole showroom space embodies the designer’s precise grasp of the sales process and the logical relationship of deep analytical space motion.


夜晚城市阒寂,街上剩下的月光照亮了一座两层高深色建筑体,盔甲般 “IOMLA”专属陶瓷皮层,闪耀的黄色砖带宛若光束划破冷峻结构,传递了“IMOLA”陶瓷的臻至文化。极具戏剧艺术的橱窗乘破茧化蝶之势,呈现出了“IMOLA” 陶瓷“创造美好人居,享受幸福生活”的 生活美学,将之深深的印在观察者的脑海。

At night the silence of the city and the moonlight left on the streets illuminate a two-story, dark-colored structure, the armor-like “IMOLA” exclusive ceramic layer, and the gleaming Huangsezhuan’s beams cut through the cold structure, conveying the “IMOLA” ceramics to the point of culture. The show window of dramatic art, which breaks the cocoon and turns it into a butterfly, presents the life aesthetics of “IMOLA” ceramics, which is deeply imprinted in the observer’s mind.

▼闪耀的黄色照亮空间,the yellow ceiling illuminate the space

▼简单纯粹的空间,the simple and pure space

行至如雕塑般扎根于土地再往上流转的楼梯,细细察之,设计从立体几何发展而未以有机线条类比,其隽永有秩赋予楼梯这般理性、流动、轮廓遒劲且富含生命力的动势。利用线光作出完整的回旋体验梯将历史时空转动为优雅庄严之美。 “IMOLA”品牌曾被美国前总统克林顿誉为“意大利千年艺术之灵魂”。设计师为铺展“IMOLA”之品质于楼梯之前创造空间,如此一来浏览历程由下至上至光影时光至延伸传承,不仅型构出 “IMOLA”所属的百年执着,亦为空间打造出跳跃时间的延续感。与白色楼梯蕴涵着空间张力,剩余者,设计仅施以简练纯粹的线条和留白处理,集装箱container的理念和光线附以科技调性,室内墙面则用多层次喷漆涂覆雕塑性的机能与美感。白包裹住的展示空间,将整个场域浸入在简净智慧的气息。

▼如雕塑般的楼梯,the sculptured stairs

▼楼梯赋予空间流动之感,the stairs contributes to a flowing sense

设计师对空间流程了然于胸,将二楼主要设置为办公区、洽谈区和部分展示区。设计师对整体空间结构的设计加上对光影的把握,使空间丰富灵动,让身处此处者空间的沉静魅力。在展示区设计师更注重对细节的处理,从字体的甄选到整体空间留白的取舍,给整个空间赋予了多重语言。 艺术装置智慧,串联人物的感官,通过“seeing”、“looking”、“watching”不同的视觉感受,从认知到意识的历程与“IMOLA” 陶瓷和设计师进行时空的对话,使人专注地投入空间体验中……

▼二楼洽谈区,the meeting room


▼一层平面,the first floor

▼二层平面,the second floor
