

airlines航空公司international flight國際航班local(domestic) flight國內航班first class頭等艙business class商務艙economy class經濟艙terminal航站樓departure出發arrival到達gate登機口e-ticket電子票one way ticket/single ticket單程票return ticket/round trip ticket往返票passport護照check in辦理登記手續check-in counter/check-in desk辦理登記手續的服務檯board登機boarding pass登機牌boarding登記時間carry-on bag手提行李check-in bag托運行李delay延遲delayed延遲的long-haul flight長途飛行stopover中途停留


1.我想預定一張去紐約的機票。I want to book a seat to New York.

2. 我要一張往返票。I want a round trip ticket.

3. 我想取消我預定的去倫敦的航班。I'd like to cancel my reservation to London.

4. 我剛剛錯過了航班,需要重新確定航班時間。I just missed my flight, I need to reschedule it.

5. 還有座位嗎? Are there seats still available?

6. 我要把所有要申報的東西都填上嗎?Do I have to write down all the things I have to declare?

7. 我有件行李要託運。I have a piece of baggage to check.

8. 我想要靠窗的座位。I'd like a window seat.

9. 我應該去哪個登機口?Which boarding gate should I go to?

10. 您介意和我換位置嗎?Do you mind exchanging seat with me?

11. 我覺得噁心。I feel sick.

12. 我現在可以使用衛生間了嗎? Can I use the toilet now?

13. 可以拿條毯子給我嗎?Could I have a blanket?

14. 請問,在哪兒取行李?Excuse me, where can I get my luggage?

15. 我找不著行李了。I can't find my baggage.

16. 找到後請馬上把我的行李送到飯店。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you have located it.

17. 我能用這輛行李車嗎?Can I use this baggage cart?

18. 我的行李似乎損壞了。My luggage seems to be damaged.

19. 你們要為我的行李負責。You need to take responsibility for my luggage.

20. 到這個地方,我坐這輛公交車對嗎?Am I on the right bus for this location?

21. 到站了請叫我一聲好嗎?Could you tell me where to get off?

22. 我們到那,還要坐幾站?How many more stops before we get there?

23. 請問這附近有地鐵嗎?Is there any subway nearby?

24. 送我去機場。Take me to the airport.

25. 你可不可以幫我把行李放到行李箱裡?Could you help me put the luggage in the trunk?

26. 請到這個地址。Take me to this address please.

27. 再快一點行嗎?Can you speed up a bit more?

28. 我要在這下車。I'll get off here.

29. 你能告訴我怎樣辦理通關手續嗎?Can you tell me how to go through customs?

30. 我已經填完所有的通關表格了。I filled out all the customs forms.

31. 這是我的報關單。I have my declaration form here.

32. 我沒什麼可申報的。I have nothing to declare.

33. 我能把這個帶入境嗎?Can I bring this into this country?

34. 我想預訂一個單人間。I'd like to book a single room with private bath.

35. 還有空房嗎?Do you have any vacant rooms?

36. 我想辦理入住登記。I'd like to check in, please.

37. 你能給我介紹一下房間的設施嗎Can you introduce the room's facilities to me?

38. 請在7點叫我起床。I'd like a wakeup call at 7 o'clock.

39. 請收拾一下浴室好嗎?Could you tidy up the bathroom?

40. 我們想訂明天的早餐。We'd like to order breakfast for tomorrow.

41. 我想打國際長途到中國。I'd like to make an overseas call to china.

42. 你們提供洗衣服務嗎?Do you offer laundry service?

43. 餐廳在哪兒? Where is the dining room?

44. 我可以把貴重物品存這兒嗎? Can you keep my valuables?

45. 我能再要一把房間鑰匙嗎? Could I possibly have another room key?

46. 我把鑰匙忘在房間裡了。 I locked myself out.

47. 我房間的電視不能看。The TV doesn't work in my room.

48. 現在可以結賬嗎?Can I settle my bill now?

49. 能給我賬單明細表嗎?Can you give me an item of my bill?

50. 你們這裡能用信用卡支付嗎? Do you take credit card?

51. 你能說的慢一點嗎?Can you slow down, please?

52. 我說不好英語。I can't speak English very well.

53. 你剛才說什麼?What did you say?

54. 我不知道這個用英語怎麼說。I don't know how to say it in English.

55. 我請你再說一遍好嗎?I beg your pardon?

56. 你能幫我一下嗎?我迷路了。Can you help me? I'm lost.

57. 這條路通向哪?Where does this road lead?

58. 請指出我在地圖上的位置。Please point out where I am on the map.

59. 我覺得不舒服。I don't feel well.

60. 我覺得冷,並且發抖。I'm cold and shivery.

61. 我感到極想嘔吐,又想拉肚子。I feel like vomiting and having diarrhea.

62. 我吃的藥不管用。The medicine I took isn't helping.

63. 您能告訴我這藥怎麼服用嗎?Could you tell me how to take this medicine?

64. 我想把人民幣換成美元。I'd like to exchange RMB for US dollars.

65. May I see your passport, please?麻煩請給我你的護照。

66. Your passport and declaration card, please. 請出示護照和申報單。

67.Do you have anything to declare?是否有任何東西需要申報?

68.Your luggage is overweight.你的行李超重了

68.Can I take this through security?這個可以通過安檢嗎?

69.Can l have an aisle seat, please?可以給我一個靠近過道的位子嗎?