
一句话瑜伽,第132期Caitlin:今天早上我带着微笑醒来,保持笑容一整天,即使经过考验,我依然闪闪发光。I woke up this morning with a smile that I've been able to maintain all day long,even when tested,and I'm still shining.

我发现自己记得面对人生的障碍如何再次微笑,而不是让它成为压死骆驼的一根稻草。I find myself remembering how to laugh in the face of life's obstacles again,rather than letting each one be the straw that breaks this camels back.
我知道当你情绪又低落时很容易被压垮。I know it can be easy to get overwhelmed when you'refeeling low.
甚至可能忘记在隧道尽头有一盏明灯在等着你。and maybe even forget that there REALLY IS a bright light waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.
如果现在发生在你身上,我来提醒你,凭我的经验。If that's happening to you right now,I'm here to remind you,from my own experience.
那只是因为你有一个糟糕的一天,一周,一个月,一年,这并不意味着你有一个不好的人生。that just because you're having a bad day,week,month,o1year,doesn't mean you have a bad life.
坚持下去,对自己充满爱,因为这是你应得的。Hang in there,and be extra loving to yourself,because you deserve it.
相信有一天会到来,当暴风雨经过你的生命,将产生你所见过的最奇妙的彩虹。Trust that there WILL come a day,when whatever storm is passing through your life,will yield the most fantastic rainbow that you've ever seen.