
1.Humor is tragedy plus time.(喜劇,就是悲劇加上時間)

2.Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,it is time to pause and reflect(當你發現自己總是從眾時,你就該停下來反思一下)

3.A lie can travel halfway around the world while the teuth is still putting on its shoes.(當真理還正在穿鞋的時候,謊言就能走遍半個世界)

4.Courage is resistance to fear,mastey of fear,not absence of fear.(勇敢並非沒有恐懼,而是克服恐懼,戰勝恐懼。)

5.The deadly enemy of a man,his own tongue.(一個人最危險的敵人是他自己的口舌)