

Children are experiencing the increasing educational, social, and commercial pressures. What are the causes? What measures do you think can be taken to reduce them?


作為一個典型的problems and solution格式,本題目與常規的議論文還是有點不一樣的。找出問題,找出原因,提出解決方式就行了,不用考慮其他的觀點。打個比方,本題中既然已經說了這個題目裡已經把孩子的社會壓力作為一個大前提,就不用去考慮孩子是不是真的有這些壓力。




The nature of children is brutally suppressed in our current society. In china, young children are experiencing different forms of pressure at an increasing rate due to all sorts ofvicious competitions. Currently, this trend has no end in sight.

Most kids begin to compete with others at a very young age. For example, many parents put their children into “out-of-class” programs which usually involvePing-Pongclasses, piano lessons or other related activities. Not only these young children are deprived of their free time, butmany of those classes are designed to rush students to higher levels instead of using materials that suit their age. These “out-of-class” programscan satisfy parents but at the cost of increasing pressure to the kids as well as economically burdening their families.

In addition, the current schooling system in China also reinforces the pressure on young children. Teachers in different homerooms compete for average marks, and schools in different regions compete for producing “ace students” who are capable of taking tests. Such related ranking systems start as early as primary schools. This inevitably puts the burden on average students. Even kids who just started their school life are not exempted from these competitions.

The only solution is to eliminate these vicious competitions for good. For parents, they must stop forcing kids into “out-of-class” programs. And for schools, they must stop bombarding students with homework. In order to achieve this, the government should cooperate with child-protection agencies to spread awareness and educate these parents while enacting laws to prohibit schools from giving excessive amount of homework.In this way, children’s pressure can be controlled within a reasonable limit.

All in all, it is important to minimize the amount of pressure that a children experiences in his or her childhood in order not to harm their future development. Both parents and schools are responsible in providing kids a healthy lifestyle. After all, they are the future backbone of the society.




brutal (adj.) 殘忍地vicious competition (n.) 惡性競爭deprived of被…剝奪了…reinforce (v.) 增強,加深。文中指加大對學生的壓力,與increase同義。inevitable (adj.)不可避免地for good永遠地,與forever同義。注意該短語並非“為了…好”,那是for the good of sb./sth.Bombard (v.) 轟炸,文中指學校轟炸般地給學生作業,並非拿作業轟炸學生。Prohibit (v.) 禁止