Wild Foshan|佛山这项非遗也有洋学子!Intangible Cultural Heritage Paper-cut


Keyword: Paper-cut


In Foshan, perhaps you haven’t made paper-cut in person , but you must have seen it! On the big transparent glass at the entrance of Guangfo Metro stations, a variety of paper-cut models are posted. "Paper-cut" combines the traditional and modern culture, and passengers can quickly tell what exactly the station is and what the famous buildings are nearby by seeing the paper-cut far away.


Foshan paper-cut has both the vigorousness of north China and elegance of south China. In 2006, Foshan paper-cut was listed in the first National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.


Rao Baolian, provincial inheritor of Foshan paper-cut, is a model worker. During the May Day holiday, Rao was busy teaching Xinyi, a foreign student from Russia. Xinyiwas fascinated by Foshan paper-cut when she met Rao Baolian in 2012 Xinyi officially became a student of Rao Baolian in 2016. This time Xinyi hopes that she could learn various paper-cut techniques from Rao so that more Russians will know and understand the art of Foshan paper-cut in the future.


Foreign students come from afar to learn paper-cut


In Rao's paper-cut studio, a large paper-cut has taken shape. Rao Baolian sat at the workbench, carving the paper firmly with a knife in her right hand and demonstrating the technique to Xinyi, the foreign student from Moscow.Xinyi observed her teacher attentively, afraid of missing any details.


Xinyi is one of the first group of Rao Baolian's foreign students. In 2012, Rao was sent to Russian Cultural Center in China to teach Foshan paper-cut art. Xinyi was a student in one of the adult classes at that time. After several classes, Xinyi fell in love with the art of paper-cut in Foshan and then became Rao's official student.


Xinyi's work Apsaras


Hope them to pass on Foshan paper-cut when they return home


Xinyi described Foshan paper-cut as a very exquisite art, but it is a pity that few Russians knowabout it. She hopesthat after learning in Foshan, she could carry the art back to Russia and pass on this culture in her country. Xinyi felt happy about learning the paper-cut in the studio together with other students. "The artistic atmosphere here is rich. The other students are very patient to answer my questions. We get along with each other and they are just like my family members, which makes me really happy. " Xinyi said.


In Moscow, Xinyi is English teacher and associate doctor in cultural science. After meeting Rao Baolian, she learned more about Chinese culture through Foshan paper-cut and became interested in Chinese culture.


"Usually tt takes three months for a Chinese student to learn how to make a apsaras paper-cut , but it only takes Xinyi three days to learn it, which shows her talent and hard work." Rao Baolian has great confidence in this Russian student. She hopes that once Xinyi has finished her apprenticeship, she could return to Russia to establish her own paper-cut art studio, teach Russian the paper-cutand popularize the art of paper-cut , which, in Rao's eyes is the essential part of inheriting the cultural heritage.

来源 |佛山新闻网