
31 facts you want to know about France

About Society:社會方面

1. We do the Bise (kiss on the chicks) when greeting women. Number of kisses vary depending on the area you are in France, 2, 3 or 4 kisses. When greeting family you kiss everyone either male or female.


2. There is free health care 有免費健康保險。

3. Public school is free, you can have University degrees and never paid a dime [daɪm] (only admin cost, few hundreds)


4. Generally, when people get married and stay at family (not hotel), people invited would do a trick in their bed or during the night after wedding. This tradition starts to get lost, I think it was mainly in the country side

5. French have a lot of social benefits and still think pessimistic towards the future


6. There are a lot of random traditions around the country. Getting chased by bull in a village of southern part, dress up as girl if you are a man and man if you are a girl and kiss everybody during the night during carnival.


About Work:工作

1. French work 35h /week 法國人一週工作35小時。

2. By default you have 5 weeks off every year. The more experienced you get and the more additional days you get off.


3. When you are paid monthly, you get an extra day off every month


4. People can retire at age of 62


5. EDF (Public Electricity) / SNCF (Public Train Transportation) workers retire at 55


6. When arriving at work you need to greet everyone that works with you. Handshake/ Bise depending of the gender. It might take a long time if you are working in a big department.


7. All businesses are closed on Sunday (vary a bit for some tourist spots)


About Transportation:交通方面

1. Pedestrians seem to cross a street wherever or whenever they want


2. You can travel to many countries either by train or plane for less than $100


3. Motorways are private in France and you need to pay to use them (generally expensive)


4. You need to drive at least 20 hours with an instructor before being able to pass your driving license


About Drink: 喝的

1. You got to get red wine with your cheese, that's a fact!


2. People drink aperitif before dinner (1 or 2 glasses), it could be any type of long drink. Generally done when having people over or during weekend.


3. Also works after dinner, digestif (help you digest). Generally sweeter alcohol, just one glass.


4. French do not drink red wine outside dinner


About Food: 食物方面

1. Meals take place usually at the same time every day. People would rarely eat between meals and generally wait meal time even though they are hungry


2. Dinner time is usually around 8pm


3. When invited for a dinner, people usually bring flowers and wine

4. It's a common thing to have a 4 courses meal: Starter + main dish + cheese + desert. (Lunch & Dinner)


5. We do not put bread upside down on the table as to respect it. From the expression: I need to work to earn the bread ( Il faut travailler pour gagner son pain)


6. Kids' snack could be just spreading butter on bread and powdering chocolate powder on top of it., or take a piece of baguette and push a piece of chocolate bar in the middle.


7. Pregnant women eat

unpasteurized cheese


About Restaurant/Bar: 餐廳/酒吧

1. Tips are not a thing in France. Few euros are normal if any are left depending of the price of the meal (never a percentage)


2. When asking for a coffee, usually you are served with an espresso


3. You can drink in a bar with your parents when you are 16
