英媒what Hifi:改变人类命运?关于蓝牙5,你应该知道的那些

Bluetooth 5: everything you need to know

蓝牙5:你所需要知道的一切(英媒WHAT HIFI资讯)

The new wireless standard brings greater range, higher speeds and larger broadcasting capacity. But which products support it?

With the growing popularity of wireless headphones and wearable devices, Bluetooth is more common than ever. In fact, according to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which oversees the development of the technology, 14 billion Bluetooth-enabled devices will ship by 2020.



Good news, then, that the technology has just been improved. Bluetooth 5 is more powerful than ever, with enormous potential for the Internet of Things and wireless music listening alike.

So what can it do? And when can you experience it? Read on and find out.

Bluetooth 5 is the next iteration of Bluetooth, the wireless technology that's found in smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, wireless headphones and speakers, laptops, desktop computers and more.


那么蓝牙5有什么能耐? 消费者何时可以一用为快?



Bluetooth lets your devices talk to each other wirelessly. When you receive a notification on your smartwatch, for example, it's come from your phone over Bluetooth.

It also lets you fire tunes to a wireless speaker so you can listen to music at home, in the park, or on the beach.

This being the latest version of Bluetooth, it's a lot more powerful than its predecessors.





三星Galaxy S9(如图)和S9 Plus都支持蓝牙5

Plenty powerful. Compared to its predecessor (Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy), it's twice as fast, has four times as much range and can transfer eight times as much data.

If you want hard stats, we're talking a bandwidth of 2Mbps. In practice, this means speedy and reliable over-the-air connectivity, leading to faster firmware updates and data uploading.



Thanks to the greater range of around 800 feet (or 240m), your wireless speakers and headphones should work much further away from the sound source than with Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy. It also allows for whole-home coverage for Internet of Things devices like security cameras, smart fridges, smart thermostats and more.

And because of its more efficient use of broadcasting channels on the increasingly popular 2.4GHz band, it opens the way for "richer connectionless, beacon-based Bluetooth solutions", according to the SIG. In other words, expect breater wireless connectivity wherever you go, from sports stadia to shopping centres.

You can connect more than one pair of wireless headphones to a single sound source over Bluetooth 5. If your device has the right functionality, like Samsung's Bluetooth Dual Audio feature, you can adjust the volume of each independently. Very handy for sharing and journeys by train or plane.

Bluetooth 5 can also detect interference at the edges of the 2.4GHz and neighbouring LTE bands, and automatically prevent it. This should make for clearer music listening from any wireless device.




三星的蓝牙双音频(Bluetooth Dual Audio)功能,则可以独立调整每个设备的音量在乘火车或飞机旅行的时候,您分享音乐简直不要太方便。



苹果最新的iPhone 8,8 Plus,X(如图) - 全部支持蓝牙5

Bluetooth 5 isn't a blanket standard just yet, so you'll find only a handful of devices - typically flagship phones - supporting it at the moment. But it's slowly gaining support.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 was the first phone to work with the technology in 2017, followed by the bigger Galaxy S8 Plus and Note 8. They've since been joined by the LG V30 and the latest Apple iPhone 8, 8 Plus and iPhone X smartphones.

Samsung continues to fly the flag for Bluetooth 5 this year, with its recent Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus smartphones sporting the feature.


三星Galaxy S8是2017年第一款使用该技术的手机,随后是更大的Galaxy S8 Plus和Note 8。之后,LG V30和最新的Apple iPhone 8,8 Plus和iPhone X也加入了支持的阵营。

三星今年势头继续,其最新的Galaxy S9和S9 Plus仍然以对蓝牙5的支持作为一大卖点。

On the headphones side, the Kickstarter-funded Anker Zolo Liberty+ was the first pair to support Bluetooth 5. And while the Apple HomePod speaker lists Bluetooth 5 on its specs sheet, it definitely doesn't use Bluetooth to stream music, nor does it show up as a Bluetooth device. It seems Bluetooth radio is used only for the setup process - and that's all.

在耳机方面,由众筹巨头Kickstarter资助的Anker Zolo Liberty +是第一款支持蓝牙5的无线耳机。虽然Apple HomePod音响在其规格表中列出了蓝牙5的信息,但可以肯定它没有使用这项技术传输音乐,也不能作为蓝牙设备。蓝牙广播功能似乎只用于安装过程 。别的就没什么设备了。

PS:Anker,2011年10月诞生于美国加州,由前Google工程师Steven Yang创办,为全球注册品牌。Anker生产移动电源、充电器、蓝牙外设、数据线等智能数码周边产品,重点市场覆盖北美、日本及欧洲多国。目前,Anker全球用户超过2400万人,其中1000万人成为了Anker的忠实粉丝。

So without significant Bluetooth 5 headphones or wireless speakers around, for the time being, you can't take advantage of the greater range or faster speeds just yet. But we hope to see more compatible products arriving by the end of this year.

The good news is that you can use Samsung's Bluetooth Dual Audio feature with any standard Bluetooth speaker or headphones. Just pair them with the compatible phones as you usually would, then select 'Dual Audio' from the menu in the top right of the screen.


不过好消息是,您可以将三星的蓝牙双音频(Bluetooth Dual Audio)功能与任何标准蓝牙扬声器或耳机一起使用。只需像往常一样将它们与兼容的手机配对,然后从屏幕右上角的菜单中选择“双音频”即可。



Sadly not. The focus is on the Internet of Things and greater connectivity, but the SIG makes no mention of improved sound quality. That's not to say music fans won't get any benefits, however. Wireless headphones and speakers will work much further away from the sound source, and you can stream the same audio to more headphones/speakers simultaneously.

Bluetooth 5 could also improve battery life. Because it's more efficient, it'll use less energy, which should mean longer battery life for wireless speakers and headphones. But we'll have to try them out for ourselves to confirm this.



