暖心:Love is simplest when I'm with you


Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.有時候兩個人需要分開一下,才能明白他們有多麼想再和對方在一起。

Sometimes it takes a really big fall to know where you stand. 有時候需要狠狠摔一跤,你才能知道你的位置。

It's hard to trust someone, especially when the ones you trusted the most were the ones that betrayed you. 當你曾經最信任的人背叛過你以後,就很難再相信其他人了。

I hate hearing something that absolutely kills you inside and having to act like you don't care.我討厭有時候明明聽到了一些讓自己心痛到死的話,還得裝作若無其事。

A smiling face doesn't always mean a perfect life. 微笑的臉不總代表著完美的生活。

I’m sorry. Sometimes, I get jealous thinking that someone could make you happier than I could.對不起,有時候想到有人比我更能讓你開心,我就會很嫉妒。

One man’s loss is another man’s gain, One girl’s pleasure is another girl’s pain.有人失去,就有另一個人得到。有人開心,就有另一個人難過。

It's not love that hurts. What hurts is being hurt by someone you love.不是愛情本身傷人,而是傷害你的人恰好是你愛的人。

Love is simplest when I'm with you. 和你在一起的時候,愛很簡單。

You can erase someone from your mind, but getting them out of your heart is another story. 你可以從腦海中將某人擦去,但將他們從心裡趕出去又是另外一回事。


