
原標題:Oil prices climb as storage fills less rapidly than feared

報道:Sonali Paul

編輯:Shri Navaratnam


MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Oil prices climbed on Wednesday, trimming some of this week’s steep losses after U.S. stockpiles rose less than expected and hopes grew for demand to pick up as some European countries and U.S. cities moved to ease coronavirus lockdowns.

墨爾本(路透社)- 油價週三攀升,抵消了一些本週的劇烈跌幅,此前美國庫存增幅低於預期。隨著一些歐洲國家和美國城市採取行動放鬆對新冠疫情的活動限制,需求回升的希望越來越大。

U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures jumped to a high of $13.85 and were up 8.8%, or $1.09, at $13.43 at 0038 GMT, paring a 27% plunge over the first two days of this week.


Brent crude futures rose 1.8%, or 36 cents, to $20.82, adding to a 2.3% gain on Tuesday.


U.S. crude inventories rose by 10 million barrels to 510 million barrels in the week to April 24, compared with analysts’ expectations for a build of 10.6 million barrels, data from industry group the American Petroleum Institute showed on Tuesday.

美國石油協會(American Petroleum Institute)週二公佈的數據顯示,截至4月24日當週,美國原油庫存增加了1000萬桶,至5.1億桶,而分析師的預期則為增加1060萬桶。

“It’s a little bit of good news that maybe storages aren’t filling quite as quickly in the U.S. as you would have thought,” said Lachlan Shaw, head of commodity research at National Australia Bank in Melbourne.

位於墨爾本的澳大利亞國民銀行(National Australia Bank)商品研究負責人拉克蘭·肖(Lachlan Shaw)說:“這是一個好消息,也許在美國,存儲空間告急的速度沒有想象的那麼快。”

The market will get another read on U.S. inventories when the U.S. Energy Information Administration releases weekly data later on Wednesday.


While storage is rapidly filling up, production cuts by U.S. shale producers, estimated by consultants Rystad Energy at 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) for May and June, should help slow flows into tanks.

儘管存儲空間正迅速告急,但顧問Rystad Energy估計,5月和6月美國頁岩油生產商的減產量為每天30萬桶,這應有助於減緩進入油儲罐的存量。

That would add to production cuts of almost 10 million bpd agreed by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other large producers including Russia, or about 10% of global production, due to take effect from May 1.


At the same time, hopes for at least a slow recovery in demand helped to put a floor under oil prices, following two days of heavy selling in June contracts by exchange-traded funds looking to avoid the extreme volatility which hit WTI last week.


“The other thing coming through is more detail and a louder groundswell towards plans for removing COVID restrictions, particularly in Europe — in countries like Spain, France, Austria and Switzerland. That’s going to see demand pick up,” Shaw said.


