神話故事--《Da Yu combating the flood》

神話故事--《Da Yu combating the flood》

In ancient times, there was a very big flood in the Central Plains. At that time, the land was so vast that people could only leave the submerged crops and houses to hide on the top of the mountain. Because of the lack of food and clothing, starvation, freezing death of many people.

With the help of birds and turtles, the God of heaven conceals the emperor of heaven and helps the mortals to control the water with the infinite growth of "xirang". However, when the emperor knew about it, he was furious. Zhu Rong, the God of fire sent by the emperor of heaven, killed him and recaptured "xirang". Then the flood again flooded.

After three years, Da Yu, the son of Gun, was determined to inherit his father's will to manage the flood on the earth and save the people. For this reason, Dayu led thousands of human beings to carry out this great project. During this period, in order to control the water, he even failed to see his own son.

After 13 years, under the leadership of Dayu, the river was finally dredged and the flood was subdued. We all went to our hometown to live a happy and stable life. In order to thank Dayu, everyone unanimously recommended him as the king of the people to manage the Central Plains.

神話故事--《Da Yu combating the flood》

上古時代,中原大地上發生了一次非常大的水災,那時,大地一片汪洋,人們只能拋下被淹沒的莊稼和房屋躲到山頂上去。 因為缺吃少穿,餓死,凍死的人很多。




神話故事--《Da Yu combating the flood》


  • 一片汪洋 a world of waters
  • 缺吃少穿 have not enough for food and clothing
  • 凍死 freeze to death
  • 天神 god
  • 天帝 the emperor of heaven
  • 治水 regulate rivers and watercourses; prevent floods by water control; tame a river
  • 大發雷霆 be furious
  • 祝融 god of fire
  • 火神 the god of fire
  • 遺志 unfulfilled wish
  • 水災 flood
  • 在這期間 during this period
  • 治水 regulate rivers and watercourses
  • 眾志成城 collective purposes form a fortress
  • 疏通 dredge
  • 君王king

