Present 用法你都知道嗎?趕緊收藏

Present 用法你都知道嗎?趕緊收藏

今天來學習一個小詞,Present. 這個詞既可以做名詞也可以做動詞。


Present 做名詞重音在前面,/ˈpreznt/.

Present 做動詞重音在後面,/prɪˈzent/.


at present 眼前,目前=now

birthday present/gift 禮物


【英文解釋】to produce or organize something such as a play,film,or exhibition.組織,引入或者策劃一個電影,戲劇,或者展覽等

e.g. Next week the Royal National Theatre presents Michael Frayn's Copenhagen.

【英文解釋】 to give something to someone formally or officially 正式的,官方的給某人某物

e.g.Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes. 頒獎

對比:(例句背景:獄卒拿了一封信給貴族,用了presented the letter 表達畢恭畢敬的給,後面貴族把信給獄卒,用了handed the sheet of paper,就沒有畢恭畢敬的給。這種用法中present和hand,give一樣,只是正式的程度不同而已)

Just then,the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the cell and

presented the letter to the aristocrat.

And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler.


【Only before noun】existing or happening now 眼下的,當下的,必須放在名詞或者代詞前面

e.g. up to the present day=up till now

The present situatiion cannot be allowed to continue. 現狀

The present owners purchased the farm in 1976. 目前的擁有者

【Never before noun】at an event,or in a place 出席的,在場的,一定要放在名詞或者代詞的後面。可以當做後置定語 或者看作定語從句的省略。

e.g.Among those present at the ceremony were the ambassador and his wife.

=Among those (who were) present at the ceremony were the ambassador and his wife.

e.g. There must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.

=There must have been several hundred people (who were/had been) present just before the show began.

