

picnic on the riverbank 在河岸上野餐

Afterwards, we picnicked on the riverbank. 之後,我們在河岸上野餐。

have a picnic 野餐

The rain held off just long enough for us to have our picnic. 雨還好,等到我們用完野餐才下起來。

clean up the remains 打掃殘餘物

They were cleaning up the remains of their picnic. 他們正在打掃野餐的殘餘物

stays dry 不下雨

I hope it stays dry for our picnic. 望我們野餐的時候別下雨。

throw a wet blanket on our picnic plan 給我們的野餐計劃潑了冷水

The weatherman threw a wet blanket on our picnic plan when he forecast rain. 氣象員報有雨,給我們的野餐計劃潑了冷水。

spread a carpet out on the grass 把地毯鋪在草地上

Our family often go picnic in the nearby park where we can spread a carpet out on the grass and enjoy ourselves. 我們家經常去附近的公園野餐,在那裡,我們把地毯鋪在草地上然後開心地玩耍著。

put off the picnic推遲野餐

We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may be better.我們會把公園野餐推遲到下週,那時天氣可能會好一些。


