



4、稿件遭遇“脆拒”(desk rejection);


本文整理自科學網的Science Talks,從中挑選了比較有借鑑意義的20個問題和專業回覆,給大家做一些參考。



The final decision on whether to accept or reject an article based on the reviewer reports will lie with the editor, as it is their job to apply the journal’s editorial standards. It may be unlikely that they will change their decision, but you can still choose to make an appeal by emailing them and explaining why you think the decision was incorrect, providing evidence to support your claims. When an editor receives conflicting reviewer reports they will often consult a member of the Editorial Board who will act as an adjudicator. It may be that the “reject” report came from a member of the editorial board in your case.



Reviewers will read your article in its entirety, but it is always worth paying close attention to the abstract. This will be the only part of your article that they can see while deciding whether to review the article or not, and it will be how they form a first impression of your work. You should also make sure that figures are clear, and self-contained, and that your conclusions sufficiently summarise the significance of your work.



You should assess the level of novelty in your work and its potential impact on research in your field, which can be challenging to do. I would recommend reading comparable work in journals that you are interested in and comparing them to your own. It is also worth consulting with your supervisors to find out where they would recommend publishing your work.



The most important thing to highlight is the novelty and significance of your work - why is your article important for other researchers working in your area? How does it advance the field? Why is it of interest to the readers of the journal? Make sure you do not just repeat your abstract and introduction.



Given the severity of the current situation I hope that the reviewer and editor will be flexible and adjust your resubmission deadline accordingly. Send the editor an email explaining your position. They may be able to offer an indefinite extension for you to be able to complete the necessary work.



There are many things that factor into an author’s decision to publish in a particular journal aside from impact factor. These might be the speed of publication, a high-quality peer review service, or if the journal has a strong reputation within a particular field. Some authors may also just have a personal preference. While impact factor is the most commonly used metric for comparing journals, it is not a measure of scientific correctness! Even journals with low impact factors should still publish scientifically correct and valid work.



Fortunately, this does not happen very frequently, but it does happen occasionally. After major revisions an article will usually be sent back to the original reviewers who will assess whether the author has made sufficient changes. If the reviewers’ concerns have not been adequately addressed, they may recommend rejection at this stage. We will often seek advice from a member of the Editorial Board in these cases.


A:我強烈建議您在Web of Science和Scopus等期刊索引中練習使用搜索功能。構建信息檢索詞需要實踐!請確保您引用了您所在領域中的最新研究成果,因為這是必不可少的內容,編輯部和審稿人將會在您論文中進行查找。這可能有助於過濾最近幾年發表論文的搜索結果,尤其是在快速發展的領域。

I would highly recommend practicing using the search functions within journal indexes such as Web of Science and Scopus. Constructing informative search terms can take practice! Make sure that you reference the most up-to-date work in your field as this is something that editors and reviewers will look for. It may help to filter your search results for the last few years of published articles, particularly in fast moving fields.



Figures are definitely an important thing to consider when preparing your article. While they do not have to be “pretty”, they should always be clear and easy to understand. You should also ensure that your figure captions are detailed and free of acronyms so that each figure can be understood as a self- contained entity. I have definitely seen cases where reviewers have rejected articles because the figures could not be understood.



We will occasionally reject articles if the English cannot be understood, though perfect English is not important. Providing the Editors and reviewers can fully understand the article it should be fine! Our production editors will make small language adjustments once the article has been accepted. I’d always recommend getting a native English speaker to read your work prior to submission if possible.


A:它們是越來越重要的期刊文章來源。大多數期刊現在都接受預印本(儘管以前不是這樣),許多期刊也會在PubSure這樣的平臺上積極尋找,把所有的預印本編入索引,並向相關期刊的編輯展示 (https://pub-sure.com)。

They are increasingly important sources of manuscripts for journals. Most journals accept preprints now (although that wasn’t always the case) and many proactively look on platforms like PubSure, which index all preprints and showcase them to editors of relevant journals (https://pub-sure.com)。



Figures are an excellent way to illustrate your study findings especially if you’re trying to show trends or patterns of relationship. Having said that, it’s important to use illustrations only as required in a manuscript. The presence of a high number of figures will not boost your manuscript’s chances of getting peer reviewed if the figures don’t add significant value. Similarly, if your study results would be better presented as figures, the journal editor/peer reviewer are sure to comment on the lack of figures. If you do choose to include figures, it’s important that they be prepared according to the journal’s guidelines (optimum resolution and correct format) and be clear enough to show exactly what you’re describing in the figure captions. Unclear figures, again, don’t add any value to the manuscript.



Feel free to get in touch with the Editor at any time after submitting your article. There should be contact information available on the journal website. You may not be able to make these changes straight away if the article has already been sent out for review, but you will be able to do so at the revision stage or at the proofing stage once your article is accepted. If you think that your article contains errors that may influence the reviewers’ decision, make sure you explain this to the editor so they can take this into account.



Cover letters are a dying art. Many people don’t submit them any longer, and in theory they shouldn’t be required - but they do ‘set the tone’ for your submission and introduce you as the author. Some online templates are very long and overly complicated. I would suggest you use two paragraphs to introduce; your paper, why you’re working on this, what the main findings are - and why you are submitting to this journal. Then, introduce yourself and your coauthors (names, institutions, subjects) and confirm it hasn’t been submitted anywhere else - and that’s it. Don’t make it too long and try to sound enthusiastic!



Some external reviewers agree to re-review a manuscript after the authors submit a revised version addressing reviewers’ comments. In such situations they are often able to report to the editor if the authors have satisfactorily addressed their concerns.



Good peer reviewers look at everything and turn over all the stones in your manuscript to see what’s underneath! Some will query data, some methodology, some conclusions, but the best ones will look at everything. Occasionally an editor will direct them to look at something specific, and bioinformatics papers - for instance - will often go to a special statistical reviewer. But there’s nothing you can do other than make your manuscript as good as it can be.



A major revision is requested when the reviewers and editors see ‘something’ in the work you have submitted, but it requires their insights to help you make that ‘something’ shine in the article. It’s easier for a journal to reject something they don’t like; a major revision is a lifeline. It’s saying we want this in our journal, if you can address these reasonably major points. Minor revisions are often around language, omissions or repetition in the text. Major revisions often require more work to be done by the author. In my experience every ‘major revision’ decision that the author has responded to positively has ended up in a publication. However, many authors get dissuaded by the ‘major’ label and don’t follow up on the reviewers/editors’ advice, hence no publication (at least with this journal).


A:第一印象很重要。首先,在閱讀之前,我們會使用查重軟件,看看這篇文章是否與已發表的文章有明顯的重疊。有明顯重疊的文章可能會被拒稿,或者我們可能會要求作者改進有問題的地方。編輯們有自己的工作和閱讀文章的方式,但我喜歡從標題和摘要開始,初步評估文章是否符合期刊的範圍。在這個階段,如果文章不符合範圍,我們會轉到 IOP 的其他期刊。在閱讀了摘要之後,我會完整的閱讀文章,但是要特別注意文章的引言,圖表和結論,因為這有助於讓人瞭解文章的新穎性和影響力。在這個階段,我們不是要審查論文的科學性 —— 這是審稿人的工作 —— 而是要快速評估這篇文章是否符合期刊的範圍和提交要求。如果符合,就會送去審核。在我看來,花大量的時間在你標題和摘要上是值得的,寫完論文的其餘部分後再來寫它們。摘要,通常是審稿人在決定接受或拒絕評審邀請時,能夠看到的惟一部分,所以一定要重視。它應該是清晰,簡明的概述,你做了什麼,發現了什麼,為什麼這樣做。確保標題清晰,描述性強,易於搜索。



1、 編輯一定是你的研究領域的,但未必熟悉你的研究,所以會搜索相關數據庫,優先選擇研究手段、研究對象等,然後數據庫裡該審稿人手上沒有稿件;







