












Hi, everybody. Let me start by saying the obvious these aren’t normal times. As we all manage our way through a pandemic unlike anything we have seen in a century, Michelle and I hope that you and your families are safe and well.


If you have lost somebody to this virus or someone in your life is sick, or if you are one of the millions suffering economic hardship, please know that you are in our prayers. Please know that you are not alone because now is the time for all of us to help where we can and to be there for each other as neighbors, as coworkers, and as fellow citizens. In fact, over the past weeks, we have seen plenty of examples of the kind of courage, kindness, and selflessness that we are going to need to get through one of the most difficult times in our history.


✔ pandemic adj.(疾病)流行全國[全世界]的

Although swine flu seems to be spreading slowly, it is still progressing quickly enough to justify preparing for a pandemic.





That kind of leadership doesn't just belong in our state capitals and mayor's offices, it belongs in the White House, and that is why I am so proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.


Choosing Joe to be my vice president was one of the best decisions I ever made, and he became a close friend, and I believe Joe has all of the qualities we need in a president right now. He is someone who's own life has taught him how to persevere, how to bounce back when you have been knocked down.


✔ vice prep.副;代替

✔knocked down 打倒;拆除;拆卸

Cats can also be used electroporation to knock down, generally speaking, the role of the cat was a shock, after never went to bed.




You know I could not be prouder of the incredible progress that we made together during my presidency, but if I were running today, I wouldn't run the same race or have the same platform as I did in 2008. The world is different; there's too much unfinished business for us to just look backwards. We have to look to the future. Bernie understands that, and Joe understands that.


It is one of the reasons that Joe already has what is the most progressive platform of any major party nominee in history. Because even before the pandemic turned the world upside down, it was already clear that we needed real structural change. The vast inequalities created by the new economy are easier to see now, but they existed long before this pandemic hit. Health professionals, teachers, delivery drivers, grocery clerks, cleaners, the people who truly make our economy run they have always been essential, and for years too many of the people who do the essential work of this country have been underpaid, financially stressed and given too little support, and that applies to the next generation of Americans young people graduating into unprecedented unemployment. They are going to need economic policies that give them faith in the future and give them relief from crushing student loan debt.


✔ presidency n.總統(或主席)的職位;總統(或主席)任期

✔ nominee n.被提名人;候選人

The president did not formally endorse McCain, but did say he was willing to campaign on behalf of the eventual Republican nominee.



We have to return the U.S. to the Paris Agreement and lead the world in reducing the pollution that causes climate change, but science tells us we have to go much further and it is time for us to accelerate progress on bold new green initiatives that make our economy a clean energy innovator, save us money and secure our children's future.


Of course, Democrats may not always agree on every detail of the best way to bring about each and every one of these changes, but we do agree that they are needed and that only happens if we win this election because one thing everybody has learned by now is that the Republicans occupying the White House and running the U.S. Senate are not interested in progress.


✔ Paris Agreement 巴黎協定



They are interested in power. They have shown themselves willing to kick millions off their health insurance and eliminate pre-existing condition protections for millions more even in the middle of this public health crisis, even as they are willing to spend $1 trillion on tax cuts for the wealthy. They have given polluters unlimited power to poison our air and their water and deny the science of climate change just as they denied the science of pandemics. Repeatedly they have disregarded American principles of rule of law and voting rights and transparency, basic norms that previous administrations observed regardless of party, principles that are the bedrock of our democracy.


Right now we need Americans of goodwill to unite in a great awakening against a politics that too often has been characterized by corruption, carelessness, self-dealing, disinformation, ignorance and just plain meanness and to change that we need Americans of all political stripes to get involved in our politics and our public life like never before. For those of us who believe in building a more just, more generous, more democratic America where everybody has a fair shot at opportunity, for those of us who believe in a government that cares about the many and not just the few, for those of us who love this country and are willing to do our part to make sure it lives up to its highest ideals now is the time to fight for what we believe in.


✔ transparency n.透明度;透明性;幻燈片

✔ self-dealing 自利交易;假公濟私


So join us. Join Joe. Go to JoeBiden.com right now. Make a plan for how you are going to get involved. Keep taking care of yourself and your families and each other. Keep believing in the possibilities of a better world, and I will see you on the campaign trail as soon as I can. Thanks.



