全球最大的Beatbox比賽之一 GBB 2019 開始徵集外卡!

【GBB 2019外卡徵集】視頻裡BBK已經講得很清楚了:

Grand Beatbox Battle 外卡徵集,時間將從2018年10月1日開始,10月30日截止


-11個單人組外卡名額(上傳一個2分鐘本人的Beatbox 視頻)

-8個雙人組外卡名額(上傳一個2分鐘兩人的Beatbox 視頻)

-6個設備組外卡名額(上傳一個3分鐘本人的Beatbox 視頻)

-->特別要注意的是,為了提升音樂的品質,你可以提前錄好一些基本節奏。但原則上,我們不允許提前錄好樣本和一些特效音,和添加外設設備。你要參加設備外卡可以,就必須先跟SBX的Sinjo 先溝通好,你的設備到底合不合適(詳情可以到swissbeatbox的官方臉書私信留言,我們的工作人員會給予答覆)!

另外,大家要記得截止時間是10月31日,上傳你的視頻到Grand Beatbox Battle的官方臉書,




設備組外卡的評委是:WaWad & Gene

雙人組外卡的評委是:Spider Horse & Mad Twinz

單人組外卡的評委是:ZeDe & Skiller

我們在這裡也祝大家能夠取得好成績,希望在波蘭的華沙,GBB 2019上,和大家面基



全球最大的Beatbox比賽之一 GBB 2019 開始徵集外卡!


ATTENTION: BBK announcement, read the instructions carefully:

Grand Beatbox Battle Wildcard Competition 2019 kicks off from 1st until 31st October 2018!

We give away:

- 11 wildcards for solo's (upload a vid where you beatbox 2 minutes)

- 8 wildcards for tag team (upload a vid where you beatbox 2 minutes)

- 6 wildcards for looping (upload a vid where you beatbox 3 minutes)

--> Furthermore the loopstation artists are granted one device to connect to their loopstation to enhance the quality of sound and the quality of effects for their wildcard submission. Principally, we allow no prerecorded samples or synthesizers! All devices that are being used must be preapproved by Sinjo from SBX (get in touch with us on the official Grand Beatbox Battle facebook page, send us a message there and we will reply)!

Submission entry closes 31st October 2018! Post your video to the official Grand Beatbox Battle Facebook Page, otherwise, it will not be considered!

The judges will make their decision until 8th November, winners will be announced from 10th until 12th November (10th announcement for tag team winners, 11th for loopstation 12th for solo's)

The judges will be overall the SBX crew and BBK.

In addition to the category loopstation, judges will also be WaWad & Gene, in addition to the category tag team, judges will also be Spider Horse & Mad Twinz,

in addition to the category solo, judges will also be ZeDe & Skiller

We wish everyone good luck and see you at GBB19 in Warsaw, Poland

save your ticket, the 11th edition will be a fantastic one,

your GBB team

