under the weather “在天氣下面”是什麼感受?


這個詞表示位置的相對關係,一個物體在另外物體之下就是under,例如,The book is under your bed.


1 under attack 遭到攻擊

The policy has been under public attack for many years.

2 under control 在控制之中

He put the class under control with ease.

3 under arrest 被逮捕

Put your hands behind your head. You're under arrest.

4 under construction 在建設中

Ten years have passed, the airport is still under construction.

5 under repair 修理中

My car is in the garage, under repair.

6 under pressure 揹負壓力

The Russian army was under great pressure when Hitler suddenly swung eastward.

7 under discussion 討論中

His promotion is still under discussion.


阿加莎 克里斯蒂有本書《陽光下的罪惡》,Evil under the sun,其實說的就是“光天化日下的罪惡”。但under the sun 還有“世間萬物”的含義,例如,

This is the best fruit I've ever eaten under the sun.

They chatted about everything under the sun.


They closed the deal under the table.

The under-the-table arrangement enraged public opinion.

回到題目中的under the weather。其實它和天氣沒啥關係,它的意思就是“身體不舒服”。以後跟老闆請假,別隻會說 I'm ill了。可以換個說法:Sorry boss, I can't come today. I've been under the weather since last night 老闆一定對你刮目相看。

