
試想一下這樣的場景,老外問你“Do you like animal?”(你喜歡動物嗎?),你除了回答“Yes,I do.”(是的,我喜歡啊。)之後就無話可說了?





You can say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting



Right, I'm going to talk about an interesting bird, which is called penguin.

這裡的 I'm going to talk about。。。就是我們中文裡經常講的“我來講一講。。。”,不過,要注意地道英語要使用一般將來時,語法雖然簡單,用的對才叫地道。

As a matter of fact, I went to the zoo a while ago and saw real-life penguins.

real-life penguins“活的企鵝”,你在其他場合都可以使用這個,比如看見了某個明星大腕。


The zoo was located in downtown Beijing. Penguins are naturally wild animals so it was a real treat to see one.

注意:a real treat 真正特別快樂的事情

Also,penguins don't seem to mind people staring at them.

One fact that particularly amazes me is that penguins prefer cooler temperatures.

注意:One fact that particularly amazes me is。。。這個句式要表達的就是


This is why the zoo keeps penguins in an air-conditioned environment.

Speaking of the reasons I've chosen to talk about penguins instead of some of the other animals,the most obvious one is I am a real big penguin fan.

注意:Speaking of the reasons 。。。這個句式要表達的就是“談到。。。的原因”的意思

So it was no surprise that when I first spotted the cute animals I screamed and ran up to the glass window.

注意:it was no surprise that。。。 。。。這個句式是說“。。。沒什麼好奇怪的”

The penguins looked at me and I thought they smiled and then ran off to catch up with their friends.


Though they are birds, penguins have flippers instead of wings.

They can't fly on land. Instead, they waddle while walking upright, which is real cute.

Anyway, the whole experience was interesting because I saw with my own eyes how penguins live and interact with others.



關注@和何老師一起學用英文,Learn more,enjoy more.

