

Architectural Drawings: 10 Office Plans Rethinking How We Work




These projects show the diverse ways in which designers are imagining the office of today.

It’s the eternal debate: open office or cubicle? As workplace trends continue to evolve, architects are designing new offices that reflect the changing conditions of labor, remote work and culture. These are underpinned by a desire to create amenity spaces and programs that blur the boundary between home and office. Companies around the world are continuously looking at how architecture shapes our work, from branded environments and social spaces to focus zones and collaborative team areas. From open floor plans to leafy lounge areas and hot desks, the following projects show the diverse ways in which designers are imagining the office of today:







Wieden+Kennedy by WORKac, Manhattan, New York, NY, United States

Placing “work” back at the heart of creative work, WORKac’s New York office for the advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy was designed to challenge the fad of the office-as-playground. As the team states, the company’s collaborative workflow allowed for increased density, with individual spaces shrinking in order to maximize the collective spaces. The design focused on creating a range of typologies of collaborative places for meetings of different sizes and durations, from tables for stand-up meetings to “phone booth” meeting rooms, to traditional conference rooms, to several larger collective spaces that involved carving the building in various ways.

As the centerpiece of the office plan, a circular “coin stair” doubles as bleacher seating and cuts between the sixth and seventh floors. Nearby, another cut, with a perforated metal spiral staircase, connects the seventh-floor bar to the eighth-floor library. In addition, a double height courtyard creates an outdoor garden by moving the façade one bay within the building, marking the office and its program from the exterior façade.




複合辦公室/Edward Ogosta Architecture/ 美國,洛杉磯

Ed Ogosta事務所為一個30人團隊的創意媒體代理公司設計了這個複合辦公空間。這個辦公設計包括“集合複合類型空間”,這個空間形成了獨特的室內空間。設計師探索建築和傢俱之間的關係時,在空間內部設計了一系列複合物件,意在體現自然和整座城市。設計師通過抽象的手法,讓空間擁有新象徵,各個元素整合在一起,孕育了創新的靈魂。


Hybrid Office by Edward Ogosta Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Ed Ogosta designed the Hybrid Office for a creative media agency of thirty workers. As he states, the office design contains “a menagerie of typological hybrids, which together engender a unique interior world.” Exploring the relationship between architecture and furniture, a series of hybrid-objects are designed throughout the space that reference nature and the surrounding city. Through abstraction, the objects are given a new iconographic presence, and collectively, they are made to foster a spirit of creativity.

An existing 6,000 square foot tilt-up concrete warehouse provided the container into which the hybrids were deployed. Each hybrid synthesizes essential traits from two “parents” of differing typologies; for example, a set of bookshelves combined with the stepped form of an arena results in the book-arena, which doubly functions as storage and seating for office-wide meetings. Other hybrids include the tree-chair, mountain-offices, house-table, and cave-bed. Each is constructed from simple veneered plywood and white painted fiberboard. In turn, a variety of micro-scaled individual spaces and group-sized collective spaces are available to workers throughout.




Hechingen工作室/Whitaker Studio/德國



Hechingen Studio by Whitaker Studio, Hechingen, Germany

Designed for a German advertising agency, this low-cost workplace was first envisioned as a project in the Black Forest. The client was keen to use shipping containers to keep costs low and needed a small office that would encourage the growth of their company. Taking inspiration from crystal growth and the soaring towers of Hechingen Castle, 11 containers were arranged in a radial form. The upper containers trace the sun’s path through the sky while the lower containers provide an array of quiet working spaces that all open onto the central heart of the office.

As the project developed, the green field site became one of many possible location for deploying the shipping container office. Independent of the location, the design was created to reutilize existing containers already in production, and the project was made to be realized through a series of metal fabrications. After fabrication, the modules would be transported to site where they would be bolted together. The final project would sit on top of concrete columns rising from the foundations.




Pinterest HQ/IwamotoScott Architecture/美國,舊金山



Pinterest HQ by IwamotoScott Architecture, San Francisco, CA, United States

The new Pinterest headquarters in San Francisco is inspired by the redesign of the company’s web platform. The building is a four story concrete structure that previously housed a John Deere factory in San Francisco’s SOMA district. The program is organized as porous, concentric layers around a large, central interconnecting atrium and stair. The program includes: large all-hands /dining space on the ground floor, expansive open workspace on the upper three floors, and numerous meeting rooms, team rooms, lounge spaces, quiet room, maker lab, coffee bar, and design studio. A key aspect of the design involved extending the existing two story atrium to the ground floor, creating a central void at the building’s center that visually connects all four floors— into which was inserted the main communication stair.

The stair acts as the central organizing figure to the space at all levels. This central stair — referred to as the Knitting Stair in reference to the company’s collaborative ethos represented by the act and product of knitting — takes the form of a perforated steel clad volume that doubles back and intersects itself at its midpoint. The intersection allows people unexpected glimpses between two flights of people moving up and down within the stair’s interior volume. The stair’s design and materiality produces the effect of a bright, ever-changing heart at the center of the company.




Facebook HQ/Menlo Park by Gehry Partners/美國

Gehry Partners事務所近期完成了Facebook MPK 21項目,它屬於Menlo Park園區項目,擴大了公司已有的範圍,是高度可持續建築,它只用了18個月就修建完成。這個項目被一片十多米高的紅樹林圍繞,室內外環境相互交融。一座露天劇場庭院將MPK 20以及MPK 21連接起來。

3.6英畝的屋頂花園有200多棵樹以及半英里長的漫遊步道,MPK 21大樓通過連接室外空間來提升團隊合作的效果。更重要的是,這個設計減少了對環境的影響,並提升了人們的生活品質。在內部,開放的工作空間與貫穿整座建築的走廊相連。這個走廊內部有藝術家設計的15個藝術作品,分佈於住宅區,另外還有五間餐廳以及一間可以容納2000人的活動室。

Facebook HQ, Menlo Park by Gehry Partners, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Gehry Partners recently completed Facebook’s MPK 21 building as part of its larger Menlo Park campus project. Expanding the company’s existing footprint, the design was built in less than 18 months as a highly sustainable building. Formed to bring the outdoors into the office space, the project centers on a sheltered green space with 40-foot-tall redwood trees and an amphitheater-style courtyard that connects to the original Gehry-designed MPK 20 building.

Featuring a 3.6-acre rooftop garden with over 200 trees and a half-mile meandering pathway, MPK 21 connects to the outdoors and was designed to promote teamwork. The larger development was designed to reduce impact on the environment and enhance employee well-being. Inside, an open workspace connects to a single pathway that runs the length of the building. The path features 15 art installations commissioned through an artist in residence program, five dining options, and a 2,000-person event and meeting space.




未來辦公室/Killa Architectural Design/沙特阿拉伯,迪拜


這座建築的設計旨在提高沙特阿拉伯炎熱地區的能源效率。在這裡,溫度經常會超過45°C (113°F),這座建築中採用800毫米厚的隔熱幕牆來隔絕熱量。這座展館為創意交流、靜思工作反省以及隨機會議提供了便利,這種方式也促進和支持了團隊工作。為了實現這個想法,辦公室以輻射狀排列,圍繞著樹蔭下的庭院,室內外空間自由切換,為靈活的工作提供了便利的空間。

Office of the Future by Killa Architectural Design, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This pavilion is the world’s first fully functional and permanently occupied ‘3D printed’ building. As an ‘Office of the Future’, the building acts as temporary home for the Dubai Future Foundation as well as an exhibition space and incubator for future emerging technologies in Dubai. The entire structure was ‘printed’ in concrete using an additive manufacturing technique. It is the first fully occupied building in the world to be constructed using such techniques. A large scale 3D-printer was used to print the building in layers of reinforced concrete. The printer features a computer controlled armature to implement printing process.

The design of the building is intended to improve energy efficiency in the hot climate of the UAE, which commonly experiences temperatures that rise above 45°C (113°F) and makes use of 800mm thick insulating cladding. The pavilion has been designed to facilitate a mix of creative interactions, quiet reflective work and serendipitous meetings. This approach supports the work of flexible teams and fluid partnerships. To achieve this, the Office radiates around a tree shaded cafe courtyard.




Intuit Marine Way大樓/WRNS Studio and Clive Wilkinson Architects/美國,加利福尼亞山景城

由於硅谷的不斷髮展,並開始與周邊鄰近的創新中心相競爭,Intuit公司的Marine Way大樓(MWB)為當地的辦公設計提供了新模式。Intuit公司希望用新的工作環境讓職員們感到驕傲,同時表達公司文化。MWB大樓總面積超過17000平方米,整體的規劃和形式體現了低調、寬廣和靈活的特點。寬敞的平面容納了許多滿足團隊合作,專注,社交和反思的空間,它們相互交融,通過清晰的流線組織在一起。


Intuit Marine Way Building by WRNS Studio and Clive Wilkinson Architects, Mountain View, CA, United States

As Silicon Valley evolves to compete with growing innovation centers in walkable, networked areas, Intuit’s new Marine Way Building (MWB)—the continuation of a larger update to their Mountain View campus—models a new kind of workplace design for the region. Intuit wanted to honor their employees with new workplace environments that support their strong culture. The planning and geometry of the MWB, with 185,400 sq. ft. on four floors, can be understood as low, wide, connected, and flexible. The large floor plates, which accommodate a variety of places for people to collaborate, concentrate, socialize, and reflect, are organized into human-scaled neighborhoods and connected by clear circulation.

In addition to more intimate breakout spaces like balconies and casual soft-furniture settings, which offer a range of work opportunities to encourage users to take advantage of the whole building, full workspace neighborhoods are located at the edge of the atrium. This variety of programmatic functions along the perimeter of the atrium helps generate a consistent buzz of activity throughout the workday. Designed to embrace the mild climate of Mountain View’s North Bayshore Area, the MWB connects to both nature and the public realm. Extensive terraces with views to the bay offer an indoor/outdoor workplace experience and knit the campus together. The ground floor emerges from the landscape as a solid, textured base, and the MWB creates a dynamic new edge along the campus’s main pedestrian and vehicular spine.







Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation Headquarters by People’s Architecture Office, Beijing, China

Made as a 1100 sqm headquarters for the Leping Foundation, this office focuses on wellness. From job training for migrant workers and agricultural research to preschool education and microfinance, the space was made for people to come together. These distinct companies are tied together by a central activity loop of suspended vegetation mirrored by a running track underneath. The office is designed around the understanding that physical activity is good for the brain and the layout provides opportunities to move while at work, to vary modes of working, and to rest.

Leping’s work in social impact requires collaboration and interaction between team members, departments, and companies. The workstations are designed by our office and create small social spaces, including mini kitchens and lounge spaces, where spontaneous and informal conversation can take place. The furniture system uses a truss structure that allows storage to be suspended above, freeing up floor space for people to squeeze in for spontaneous discussions. In turn, the activity loop interior serves as an event space and a flexible space for incubating social enterprises. It’s populated with Tetris Tables, which can be used individually or combined into various configurations. A People’s Canopy can be moved around and expanded to create a separate meeting space within the central loop area.







Swarovski Manufaktur by Snøhetta, Wattens, Austria

Snøhetta created a crystal workshop for the 21st century for Swarovski. Swarovski Manufaktur is designed to facilitate innovative collaborations, inventive exchange and a rapid implementation of ideas. The design primarily focuses on creating an appealing and stimulating space that encourages creativity rather than focusing on the physical production processes which are a central part of the Manufaktur. A key focus for the architects was the incorporation of daylight.

At the Manufaktur, the entire production process of the Swarovski crystal is reproduced on a small scale: the main floor contains all the machines necessary to produce prototypes or small crystal series in the shortest possible amount of time. Should technical standards or specifications change, the flexibility of the main floor provides enough space to allow for production to be rearranged to meet the latest technological requirements. Throughout the facility, a raised floor provides flexibility and space for necessary technical equipment and cables. Moreover, a “chandelier hole“– an open space plunging from the main floor and down to the basement – allows for prototypes up to 14 meters high to be assembled and tested on-site.





Weiss Manfredi的Tata中心設計的目的在於集合羅斯福島上的工業和學術。這座七層樓高的結構會是當代研發中心,其中一部分是公司的辦公區,另一部分是創新中心。整體的水晶幾何造型和優雅的細部設計就像是學科中心和技術公司之間的碰撞和對話。Tata中心的可持續設計也大大推動康奈爾大學的發展,成為了世界最節能環保的校園。


Tata Innovation Center at Cornell Tech by WEISS/MANFREDI, Manhattan, New York, NY, United States

Weiss Manfredi’s Tata Center was made to bring together industry leaders and academia on Roosevelt Island. The seven-story structure was imagined as a contemporary R&D hub that’s part corporate co-location building and part innovation center. Formed with a crystalline geometry and elegant detailing, the design fosters dialogue across disciplinary hubs and tech companies alike. Sustainable design at the Tata spearheads a larger push towards becoming one of the most environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world.

One-third of the 235,000-square-foot building hosts Cornell Tech studios, labs, classrooms, and event spaces, while the upper levels are dedicated to a mix of technology-focused companies and start-ups. All of the occupants share central, light-filled circulation spaces with panoramic skyline views and lounges that encourage social interaction and collaboration. The building’s cantilevered southwest and northeast wings shelter outdoor social spaces that animate the ground floor retail spaces and entry terrace.

