外研版七年級英語下冊講義(Module 1)

外研版七年級英語下冊講義(Module 1)

一、 重點短語

1. an eraser 一塊橡皮

2. welcome to 歡迎來到。。。。。。

3. first of all 首先

4. look at 看。。。。。。

5. be careful with 當心

6. from now on 從現在開始

7. in a hurry 匆忙的

8. every day 每天

9. look for 尋找

10.hundreds of people 數百人

11.3 hundred people 3百人

12.at the moment 現在

13.a lot of =lots of 許多;大量

14.get on the bus 上車

15.talk to 和。。。。。。交談

二、 核心語法



外研版七年級英語下冊講義(Module 1)


His father is a driver ,and mine is a teacher.他爸爸是司機,我爸爸是教師。

This room is ours,and that is yours.這個房間是我們的,那個是你們的。



This dicitonary is mine .= This is my book.


This is not his book, his is on the chair.

三、 語言點精解

1. Welcome back to school,everyone!

【解析】表示歡迎到某某地方,welcome 後面通常跟介詞to.例如:

Welcome to China .

Welcome to our school.

注意:welcome後面跟home,here,there 等副詞時不能跟介詞to.例如:

Welcome back home.

2. Whose bag is this?

【解析】 whose意為“誰的”,用來引導特殊疑問句,通常對物主代詞及名詞所有格進行提問。例如:

These are my bananas. →Whose bananas are these?

That desk is yours. →Whose is that desk?

Tom’s mother is a good teacher. →Whose mother is a good teacher?

Whose 既可以做表語,也可以作定語。所以:

Whose bag is this?=Whose is this bag?

注意: whose 是who的所有格形式。whose≠who’s,who’s是who is 的縮寫形式。

3. Let me see.

【解析】 let意為“使、讓”,後面跟動詞原形作賓語補足語,即let sb do sth.例如:

Let me help you.

Let me have a look.

4. Hundreds of people come here every day.

【解析】hundred,thousand 前面如有one,two,three等數詞表示的是具體的數字,要用單數形式;但是如果它們表示的是不確定的數字,則要用複數形式,後面跟of。如:

two thousand students 兩千名學生 thousands of students 數千名學生

eight hundred soldiers 八百士兵 hundreds of soldiers 數百士兵

