日常語法聽說讀寫也可用來練習英語聽力 請看40課 have, has, had


這一講,我們學習美國英語日常語法視聽說寫第40課,have, has, had,請觀看視頻,以獲得第一語感。

L:We have a great topic for you today.

K:Yes, Lucija has a lot of examples prepared on the subject of "HAVE, HAS, and HAD."

L:HAVE, HAS, and HAD contain different meanings.

They can show possession: "I have a car."

But HAVE, HAS, and HAD can also be used to form the perfect tenses. For example:

I have seen the movie.

In this example, "have" is just a grammar function word to show that the action is completed.

K:HAS is used with the present third person singular.

With the personal pronouns she, he, and it, you would use HAS in most situations.

She has a bike.

It has blue ink. (There is blue ink in the pen.)

L:Let's take a look at HAVE:

PRESENT PERFECT: I/You/We/They have seen the movie.

POSSESSION (PRESENT): I/You/We/They have a cat.

K:HAD is simple. It's used to show possession in the past for all pronouns and used to form the past perfect for all pronouns.

PAST PERFECT: I/You/We/They/She/He/It had already finished.

POSSESION (PAST): I/You/We/They/She/He/It had a baby.

K:Here's a tricky question for you, Lucija, what would you use with "everyone" or"everybody?"

L:Well, since "everyone" and "everybody" are both singular pronouns, I would use "has."

日常語法聽說讀寫也可用來練習英語聽力 請看40課 have, has, had

最後就是背誦默寫,沒必要做到一詞不差,但你得積累用英語表達“have, has, had”這個話題,也就是這段話的要點,歸納如下:

1.HAVE, HAS, and HAD contain different meanings.They can show possession: "I have a car."But HAVE, HAS, and HAD can also be used to form the perfect tenses. For example:I have seen the movie.

2.HAS is used with the present third person singular.With the personal pronouns she, he, and it, you would use HAS in most situations. She has a bike.

3.Let's take a look at HAVE:PRESENT PERFECT: I/You/We/They have seen the movie.POSSESSION (PRESENT): I/You/We/They have a cat.

4.HAD is simple. It's used to show possession in the past for all pronouns and used to form the past perfect for all pronouns.PAST PERFECT: I/You/We/They/She/He/It had already finished.POSSESION (PAST): I/You/We/They/She/He/It had a baby.


