




1. 閱讀正文相關的背景故事。

2. 閱讀高頻詞彙講解部分,最好能動手做筆記。

3. 閱讀帶有部分詞彙釋義的文章,理解全文。

4. 完成文章相關的練習。

5. 閱讀中英文對照版的正文。











1. indispensable adj. 必不可少的

dispensable adj. 可有可無的

indispensable duty 應盡的責任

2. prevalence n. 傳播,流行,普及

prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的 = popular

3. dominance n. 優勢,統治,支配

dominant adj. 主要的,佔優勢的

n. 主宰者,統治者

4. unquestionable adj. 毋庸置疑的

question v. 質疑,對...有疑問

questionable adj. 可疑的

5. the extensive use of sth. ···的廣泛應用

extensive adj. 廣泛的,大量的

6. promote international corporation


promote v. 促進

corporation n. 合作

7. overcome language barriers 克服語言障礙

overcome v. 客服

barry n. 障礙

8. regardless of 不管,不顧

9. be identified as 被認為是

identify v. 認同,鑑定

10. exaggeration n. 誇張,誇大

exaggerate v. 誇張,誇大其詞

11. broaden horizons 拓展視野

broaden v. 加寬,使···擴大影響

horizon n. 地平線,眼界

12. proficiency n. 熟練,精通

proficient adj. 熟練的,精通的 n. 專家

13. deepen understanding 加深理解

deep adj. 深的

deepen v. 加深,加強

14. culprit n. 罪犯,肇事者

15. language diversity 語言多樣性

cultural diversity 文化多樣性

16. make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事

effort n. 努力;盡力

17. vanish v. 消失,銷聲匿跡

vanish from 從···中消失

18. plays a vital role in 在···中起重要作用

vital adj. 必不可少的,極其重要的

role n. 角色

19. suspect v. 懷疑 n. 疑犯 adj. 可疑的

20. not supported with evidence 沒有證據支持



At the present time, the role of English as a global language is indispensable. It is worth mentioning that the prevalence of English worldwide might have its negative effect. In my opinion, English's dominance can be viewed in a positive light.

目前,英文作為世界語言的地位是無可比擬的。 然而,值得一提的是,英文的普及可能也有它的負面影響。在我看來,英文的領導地位應該用積極的目光去看待。

It is unquestionable that the extensive use of English worldwide helps promote international cooperation, as a universal language enables people to overcome language barriers in the global setting. People can conduct business together and discuss how to set up a company and import products, regardless of their native languages. That's why English has been identified as the main language by many international conferences and academic groups. This means that scholars can share knowledge and ideas or even cooperate to complete projects.

毫無疑問的是,英文的廣泛使用促進全球合作,因為一個通用的語言可以讓人們在國際環境下克服語言障礙。人們可以在一起做生意,討論怎麼開公司,怎麼進口產品,不管他們的母語是什麼。英文已經被很多國際性會議、科研機構確定為主要的語言。 這就意味著學者可以在一起分享知識和想法,甚至一起工作去做項目。

In addition, it would be no exaggeration to say that the dominance of English can help people expand knowledge and broaden horizons. About 80% of the world's websites publish articles in English, so people who master this language can read news, magazines and books on the web and learn more about the world. People who have proficiency in two languages (English plus their native language) can travel in different parts of the world with ease and deepen their understanding of customs of these places.

另外,毫不誇張地說,英文的普及有利於人們增加知識和開闊視野。 世界上大概80%的網站是通過英文發佈信息的。所以說,懂英文的人可以在網絡上看新聞、讀雜誌、閱讀書籍等,更好地瞭解世界。那些能夠熟練說兩種語言的人可以很容易在世界各地旅行,熟悉不同地方的風土人情。

Despite the contribution of the English language to globalisation, it is considered the main culprit of the loss of language diversity. The idea lies in the fact that young people in many parts of the world make an effort to study English, instead of their mother tongue. It should also be noted that English, as the favourite language for international media, conveys English-speaking countries' lifestyles, values and beliefs to different parts of the world. It might affect the world's cultural diversity. Some traditional therapies, recipes, religious practices and ceremonies will possibly vanish, if languages disappear. Our knowledge about the world will be limited.

儘管英文對於全球化的進程有巨大的貢獻,但是它被認為是語言多元。這個看法主要基於一個事實,越來越多的 年輕人學習英文,而忘記了他們的母語。化消失的罪魁禍首。同樣應該注意的是英文作為國際媒體的主要語言,會將英文國家的生活方式、價值觀和信仰傳輸到世界不同的地方。這有可能會影響世界文化的多元化。某些文化裡的治療方法、食譜、宗教的習慣、傳統的慶祝儀式都因為語言的消失而消失。我們對世界的認識會很有限。

In conclusion, English plays a vital role in communication and cooperation among people from different countries. Although some people suspect that English will endanger some minority languages, this claim is not supported with evidence. The reality is that English sometimes assists us protecting cultural heritage.

綜上所述,英文對於來自不同國家的人民的交流和合作有著至關重要的角色。 儘管有人懷疑英文會危及一些小語種,但是這種懷疑未必有根據。





