西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

在西班牙,傳統的corrala住宅在佈局上是非常固定的:它們大多是由一組公寓組成,通過通向內部庭院的通道連接起來。當年輕的急診醫生Jaime委託Husos Arquitectos翻新他46平方米的corrala時,他要求儘可能多的佈局靈活性……為他和他的狗。

In Spain, traditional corrala houses are very fixed in their layout: they’re mostly built as a block of flats connected by access corridors that open up to an interior courtyard. When young casualty doctor Jaime commissioned Husos Arquitectos to refurbish his 46-sq-m corrala, he asked for as much layout flexibility as possible… for him and his dog.

建築師Camilo Garcia和Diego Barajas根據業主的需求,使這個住宅儘可能地適合定製。例如:由於Jaime會上夜班,他的晝夜節律處於混亂狀態——他需要白天睡覺以從夜班中恢復過來。

Architects Camilo García and Diego Barajas seized the chance to make this dwelling as custom-fit as possible in a way that few residential projects are. For example: as Jaime has confounding shifts at the emergency ward, his circadian rhythm is in shambles – he recovers from night shifts by taking naps throughout the day.

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅


So, instead of focusing on the bedroom as the key area for rest, the duo created a dedicated siesta space in the living room that would be an alternative to the client’s bed. The nap capsule then becomes as a space to receive overnight guests, a prime spot for Netflixing – sliding the door turns it into a projection screen – or a lounge to write medical reports in, as the window offers natural light and a view of the tree-lined street below.


This small 1960s corrala has an east-west orientation, and due to the original layout, most of the cross-ventilation was blocked. That meant that in the intense Madrid summers, both Jaime and his dog Albóndiga would suffer the consequences: as a short-nosed breed, bulldogs are notoriously sensitive to heat. García and Barajas redistributed the spaces and ended up with a large living section that is open both to the east and the west, allowing for better air circulation.

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅


Albóndiga has a set of cotton islands, suction-fixed to the floor and thus movable, that double as playthings and dog beds. Along a swath next to the siesta pod that’s about two metres wide, his owner also has a dressing room and storage room. But, most importantly, there’s a vegetable garden in the balcony.

由於乾燥的馬德里水資源短缺,西紅柿和草藥的灌溉來自淋浴中收集的過濾灰水; 該系統還可作為熱控制解決方案,無需使用空調。“我們的目標是創造一個微型景觀,管道和過濾器從淋浴間延伸到菜園,讓人們可以看到水的流動。”建築師解釋道。

As dry Madrid suffers from water scarcity, the irrigation for the tomatoes and herbs comes via filtered grey water harvested from the shower; the system also works as a thermal control solution, which eliminated the need for an air conditioner. ‘We aimed to create a microlandscape with the tubes and filters running from the shower to the vegetable garden, allowing the flow of water to be seen in a way that attempts to be didactic,’ explained the architects.

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

∇ 西立面的菜園和灌溉系統 Vegetable garden and irrigation system on west elevation.

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

∇ 平面佈置圖:前後 Floor plan: before and after

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

西班牙 corrala 46平米小宅改造,秒變豪宅

完整項目信息項目名稱:ONE GUY, ONE BULLDOG, ONE VEGETABLE GARDEN AND THEIR HOME項目位置:西班牙馬德里項目類型:住宅空間/小宅概念設計公司:Husos Architects攝影:JOSÉ HEVIA

