


1.全國卷設問形式:when /where/who/whom/why/how/which……

(1)What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s?(2016年課標全國卷Ⅰ)

(2)Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?(2016年課標全國卷Ⅱ)

(3)What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?(2016年課標全國卷Ⅰ)

(4)When is the talk on James Brindley?(2015年課標全國卷Ⅰ)


(1)同義替換。 同義詞/同義句

(2)詞性/語態的變化。 同義

(3)語言簡化。 同義

(4)正話反說。 同義



(2)未然-已然。 時態變化

(3)無中生有。 主觀想象/推測---作者

(4)偷換概念。 “張三”--“李四”。

(5)文不對題。 互不相干


1. 兩首一尾定主題

2. 逐個題目找答案





across 橫跨/穿越

extremely adv 及其地

dream of

dream about 夢想

In the same way 同樣

break the record 打破紀錄

set a new record 創一個記錄

memorable 難以忘記的adj

capsule 太空艙n

fantastic 極好的

footprint 足跡

閱讀B 記敘文

I learn to fly( in a balloon)( in a race)( across the Atlantic Ocean)( in 1992 )and became extremely interested in the sport. In the same way that a mountain climber dreams of climbing the world's highest mountain,I dreamed about flying non-stop (around the world.)

I spent six years planning the flight and failed twice (before I and my team managed to succeed). For some reason,we had to go first (to North Africa )(to catch the right winds). That added 10 ,000 kilometers,and another week,to our journey. But because of this,our flight broke all the records for distance and time spent in the air.

The most memorable part of the trip for me is (that we lived in the air for 20 days) and (that the rising sun was the most amazing thing)( we saw.) We had to go out of the balloon’s capsule , 解釋in which we were transported,three times while in the air to repair the fuel system. We didn’t have any safety equipment but when you are in a situation like that,you just do what you have to do without thinking about feeling afraid.

Landing was a fantastic moment. I remember( that when I got out of the capsule,I looked at my footprint in the sand. I remembered the astronaut Neil Armstrong,(who was so happy to put his footprint on the moon),so far away from Earth. At that moment, I was so happy( to have my foot back on Earth!)

24. The author became interested in ballooning because of . 細節題

A. a cross-ocean race B. a mountain climb

C. a childhood dream D. a long sea journey

25. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2 about the author and his team's flight?

A. They set a new record. B. They shortened their flight.

C. Their flight went very smoothly. D. Their flight covered走過一段路程 10,000 kilometers.

26. Why did the balloonists get out of the capsule during the flight? 細節題

A. To fight their fear. B. To do some repair work.

C. To admire the rising sun. D. To check safety equipment. 擴大

27. The author mentioned Neil Armstrong to show his .

A. regret B. surprise C. respect D. pleasure

24-27 AAB

