特朗普是不是支持中國撤銷三家美媒記者證?連發三推FUCK NEWS


反正繞來繞去,就是說美國媒體就知道發佈FUCK NEWS!

特朗普是不是支持中國撤銷三家美媒記者證?連發三推FUCK NEWS

One of the reasons that Fake News has become so prevalent & far reaching is the fact that corrupt “journalists” base their stories on SOURCES that they make up in order to totally distort a narrative or story. When you see, “five sources say”, don’t believe the story, it is....
由翻譯自 英語假新聞之所以如此盛行和影響深遠的原因之一是,腐敗的“新聞工作者”將他們的故事建立在他們編造的新聞來源的基礎上,目的是完全歪曲敘事或故事。當您看到“五個消息來源說”時,不相信這個故事,那是...。

....very often FAKE NEWS. Lamestream Media should be forced to reveal sources, very much as they did in the long ago past. If they did that, the media would be trusted again, and Fake News would largely be a thing if the past!
由翻譯自 英語....很多時候都是假新聞。 流媒體a應該被迫透露消息來源,就像他們在很久以前所做的那樣。如果他們這樣做的話,媒體將再次受到信任,而假新聞在很大程度上將成為過去!

So much of the Lamestream Media is writing and broadcasting stories with facts that are made up and knowingly wrong. They are doing it by quoting unnamed sources that simply do not exist. These are very dangerous & corrupt people, who will do anything to win. NAME YOUR SOURCES!由翻譯自 英語這麼多流媒體都在撰寫和廣播帶有虛假事實的報道和廣播。他們通過引用根本不存在的未命名來源來做到這一點。這些都是非常危險和腐敗的人,他們會竭盡所能。命名您的資源!


連美國總統都覺得這些媒體就知道fuck news、


