英語俚語習語學習15: lay it on thick


英語俚語習語學習15: lay it on thick

稱子英語每日俚語習語學習:lay it on thick

lay it on thick 誇大

To exaggerate, overembellish,o r to express praise effusively; to praise someone too much, or overstate some emotional experience, response, or appeal, such as blame, praise, flattery, excuses, etc.



Jim carries on as though flattering the boss will get him a promotion, so he's always laying it on thick for her.

Bob, I think Mary understands the trouble she's in, no need to lay it on so thick.

About six months ago Charley started to lay it on thick by telling our boss what a good manager he was and what a pleasure it was to work for him. And it sure paid off - Charley just got promoted over all the rest of us.


