福建中考總複習八年級上冊Unit 6 練習

福建中考總複習八年級上冊Unit 6 練習

1. I have some _______ news to tell you! 我有個激動人心的消息要告訴你們!

have sth to do 有事要做

The teacher has something important _______ tell us. 老師有些重要事情要告訴我們。

2. We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 我們將要去泰山旅行三天。

_______ visit=_______ visit三天的旅行

three-day holiday=threedays’holiday三天的假期

go on a visit to...意為“去……參觀/旅遊

They will go on a _______ to China this summer holiday.這個暑假他們將要去中國旅行。

3. How _______ we get there?我們怎麼去那裡呢?

4. It will _______ us a few days to get there by bike. 騎自行車去會花費我們幾天的時間。

5. Let's make the _______ together. 讓我們一起來做個決定。

_______ to do sth =make a decision to do sth決定做某事
decide on sth 在某事在表決

6. It's too _______ to cycle騎自行車去太遠

too... to...意為“太……而不能……”,

He is _______ young to join the army.他太年輕了,不能參軍。

It's never too late to learn.活到老,學到老。

7. Let's find out some information about the _______ for the bus.

8. Kangkang is booking the _______ tickets to Mount Tai. 康康正在預訂去泰山的火車票。

9. May I have your name and _______ number, please?

10. It is very common to _______ money,籌款活動是非常普遍的。

11. I'd like to _______ to Michael. 我想找邁克爾接電話。

12. I'm looking forward to _______ from you. 我正期待著你的來信

hear from sb.= get/receive a letter from sb意為“接到某人的來信/消息”

He feels unhappy because he doesn’t hear _______ his parents.

hearof聽說Have you heard _______ the news?你聽說過這個消息了嗎?

13. I'm _______ vacation. 我在度假了

14. I'd like you to meet him with _______ when he arrives. 當他來的時候,我想讓你去見見他。

15. I'm looking forward _______ meeting him. 我盼著與他見面呢。

16. I can't _______ to see it. 我迫不及待地想看了
can't wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 wait for sb 等待某人 wait a minute 等一下

can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事
Hearing this story, I couldn’t help _______.聽到這個故事,我禁不住大笑起來。

I can't wait to learn the result of the exam.我迫不及待地想了解考試結果。

I will wait _______ you at the school gate. 我在學校門口等你。

17. How _______ is it from here to the zoo? 從這兒到動物園有多遠?

It's about one and a half hours _______ bike. 騎自行車大約一個半小時。

=It will take about one and a half hours to go there by bike
時間’+交通工具 乘什麼交通工具要多久。

two hours’ _______騎車2個小時的路程 two hours’ _______走路2個小時的路程

18. They arrived at a _______ lot.他們到達了停車場。

park (名詞)公園 park(動詞)停車

No parking 禁止停車=Don’t _______ here

19. They took _______ a camera and _______ many pictures.他們拿出相機拍了很多照片。

20. Someone stepped on his feet. 有個人踩了達倫的腳

step(名詞)步驟,臺階 step (動詞)踩

Don’t _______ on the grass。不要踐踏草坪。

21. He was too _______ to think about _______ to do. 他太著急了而想不出該怎麼辦。

22. He didn't raise his head _______ someone called him. 直到有人喊他,他才抬起頭

not ----until--- 不----直到----時候。

We can’t go home until we _______ the work. 我們不能回家直到我們完成這項工作。

raise+名詞 raise money 籌錢 raise a horse 飼養馬 raise his head抬起頭

rise不能加名詞 上升、升起
The sun _______ from the east. 太陽從東邊升起來。

23. It was a _______ day. = It was a _______ day.今天是個好天氣

24. we _______ to Tian'anmen Square yesterday.我們騎車去了天安門廣場。

ride to+地點騎車去某地 drive to+地點開車去某地 fly to+地點乘飛機去某地

We will drive to the park for a picnic tomorrow. 明天我們會開車去公園野炊。

25. While we were having fun exploring, I found that Darren was _______.

26. Thank goodness! 謝天謝地!

27. What a special _______! 多麼特別的一次旅行啊!

28. I saw a traffic _______ yesterday. 我昨天目睹了一起交通事故。

traffic accident交通事故 traffic _______交通規則 _______ lights交通燈

We must _______ the traffic rules and look at the traffic lights before we cross the road

If you _______ the traffic rules, you may have a traffic accident.

29. I was afraid _______ riding my bike anywhere. 到任何地方都不敢騎自行車

30. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be _______ accidents.

31. Cycling t doesn't cause _______ pollution. 騎自行車不會造成空氣汙染。

32. The young man _______ the bicycle was very _______. 騎自行車的那個年輕人很粗心。

33. We should never ride too _______. 我們不應該騎那麼快。

34. We should also learn more _______ the traffic rules. 我們也應該瞭解更多的交通規則。

35. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a _______ and even be in _______.

36. In _______ of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to _______ first aid.

in case of...意為“如果,萬一”,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞

In case of fire, call 119.倘若有火災,就撥打119。

37. We should _______ attention to the difference between them. 我們應該注意到他們的不同之處。

pay attention todoingsth注意做某事

38. In a _______, the best way to be safe is to be careful. 總之,保持安全的最佳方式就是小心謹慎。

39. They must call 120 _______ help. 他們必須撥打120求救。

