
The Rise of K-pop


From The Kim Sisters to BTS, this is the story of how K-pop took over the world.




K-pop is a worldwide sensation. From LA to Taipei to Europe to Australia and beyond, Korean pop music is on the radio and taking over streaming services. But if you think K-pop is a recent development, think again. This is a trend that's been building for decades.




Our story begins with The Kim Sisters, the first South Korean group to make it big overseas. The sisters were Sue, Aija, and Mia. In the 1950s, as a way to support their family, the girls sang American songs in Seoul nightclubs to American soldiers. American producer Tom Ball saw them in 1958 and knew he had to bring them to the US.




In 1959, the sisters arrived in the US and started performing in Las Vegas. They found success in nightclubs and even sang on national television. In 1962, they covered a song by the Coasters called "Charlie Brown." It reached number seven on the Billboard singles chart. With that, the Kim Sisters were the first huge Asian singing success in the US. Little did the ladies know they had start what would become a huge trend.


Though K-pop has a longer history than most might think, it has really captured international attention only in the last 10 years. K-pop's true global takeover began with Wonder Girls and their smash hit "Nobody," which had everybody dancing in 2009.

雖然韓國流行樂有段比多數人所認為還要悠久的歷史,但是它只是在過去十年才真正開始引起國際關注。韓國流行樂真正地進行全球攻佔是從Wonder Girls以及其熱門暢銷單曲《Nobody》開始,這首歌在2009年讓所有人都起身熱舞。


Wonder Girls were a girl group put together by record executives in Korean. The girls had to go through rough training in singing, dancing, acting, and more at a special school for promising K-pop stars. Then they were selected to form a band. Like all K-pop stars, they were given a set of rules to live by. They had to behave well and rehearse often. They were even not allowed to date.

Wonder Girls為一個被韓國唱片公司高層主管拼湊而成的女子團體。這些女孩得在一所為了前景看好的韓國明星而打造的特殊學院中經歷嚴苛的唱歌、舞蹈、演戲以及其他方面的訓練。她們接著會被挑選出來組成一個團體。如同所有的韓國明星一般,她們被交付一套必須遵循的準則。她們得乖乖表現,反覆排練。她們甚至不被允許約會。


PSY brought K-pop to the heights in 2012 in "Gangnam Style." Later, at the 2018 Olympics Pyeongchang, K-pop was put on full display at the opening ceremonies. Most recently, BTS, a Korean boy band, has found success in America, appearing on the popular comedy show Saturday Night Live. Like Wonder Girls, BTS is a product put together and packaged by Korean record companies. They know the world likes sweet voices, pretty faces, and great dance moves. That's the strategy K-pop has used to take over the world.

2012年,PSY以一曲《江南style》將韓國流行樂引領至全新巔峰。之後,在2018年平昌冬奧會上,韓國流行樂在開幕式上完整放送。最近期的韓國男子組合“防彈少年團”在美國獲得成功,並登上了熱門喜劇節目《週六夜現場》。如同Wonder Girls,防彈少年團是被韓國唱片公司組合及包裝下的產物。他們知道全世界都喜歡悅耳歌聲、漂亮臉蛋以及精彩舞步。這就是韓國流行樂用以征服全世界的策略。


△Taylor Swift的推文圖片


sensation n.轟動;感覺

steaming service 流媒體服務

make it big 闖出名聲,成功

cover vt.翻唱

Little did the ladies know they had start what would become a huge trend.

little為否定副詞,置於句首時,其後的主語與動詞需要倒裝。本句中Little did the ladies know…的原句式等於The ladies little knew (that)…


capture sb's attention 吸引某人的注意

takeover n.佔領,接管

smash hit 熱門暢銷歌曲

record executive 唱片公司高管

go through sth. 經歷某事(常指負面經歷)

a set of rules to live by 一套該遵循的準則

live by rules 遵守規則

rehearse vi.&vt.彩排,排練

bring/take sth to new heights 將……帶到新頂點

put sth. on display 展現某物

