


L:As you may know, subjects and verbs must agree in number.

K:If the subject is plural, its verb is plural as well.

You wouldn't say: "The dog are friendly." But, "The dog is friendly."

Because"dog" is singular, so the verb also needs to be singular.

L:This is what we call SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. And in general it's not difficult.

K:But sometimes subjects are complex. And sometimes they are separated from their verbs.

These situations can make SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT even more difficult to understand.

L:Collective nouns, like committee, staff, family, crew, talk about multiple people,

but these nouns are grammatically singular in American English.

My family is here.

The staff is ready for the presentation.


K:Country names, even if they end with an –s are usually singular.

The Philippines is a beautiful country.

The Netherlands is known for tulips.

L:A compound subject is two or more individual nouns connected into a larger noun phrase.

K:When you have two or more subjects connected by "and" use a plural verb.

If singular subjects are connected with "or", then use a singular verb.

Just remember, SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT is the foundation of grammar.



1.As you may know, subjects and verbs must agree in number. If the subject is plural, its verb is plural as well. This is what we call SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT.

2.Collective nouns, like committee, staff, family, crew, talk about multiple people,but these nouns are grammatically singular in American English.
My family is here.
The staff is ready for the presentation.

3.Country names, even if they end with an –s are usually singular.
The Philippines is a beautiful country.
The Netherlands is known for tulips.

4.When you have two or more subjects connected by "and" use a plural verb.

If singular subjects are connected with "or", then use a singular verb.


