
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Moose in the market
A vast pension fund is gaining even more financial clout

Twice a week the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (cppib), which manages pensions for 20m of Canada’s citizens, holds meetings to approve or reject investments above C$500m ($375m). Agenda items are plentiful. Since 2017 the board has sanctioned investments in, among other things, toll roads in Mexico and Australia; rental housing in China; shale assets in Ohio; solar and wind assets in India and America; and big chunks of Endeavor, a Beverly Hills talent agency, and Ant Financial, a Chinese financial giant.加拿大養老金計劃投資公司(以下簡稱CPPIB)管理著2000 萬加拿大公民的養老金,每週舉行兩次會議,審批5 億加元(3.75 億美元)以上的投資。待審項目類型多種多樣。2017 年以來,公司批准投資的項目包括墨西哥和澳大利亞的收費公路、中國的出租公寓、俄亥俄州的頁岩項目、印度和美國的太陽能和風能項目,以及比弗利山(Beverly Hills)的經紀公司Endeavor 和中國金融巨頭螞蟻金服的大筆股份。

The Canada Pension Plan (cpp) is a state-run earnings-related pensions scheme, but its investment board is run as an independent entity. The fund’s portfolio size has more than tripled over the past decade, and is going to become only more gigantic. At the end of last year its portfolio was C$454bn. Investment income, plus an expansion in the scope of the plan this month, which raises contributions in return for higher payouts, means assets may expand at a healthy rate for decades. The cpp receives contributions equivalent to 9.9% of most Canadians’ pay (the province of Quebec has its own system), and that share is set to reach 11.9% by 2023. The fund is a particularly mammoth example of a type of state investor that is wielding increasing influence worldwide.加拿大養老金計劃(CPP)是一個國營的收入關聯養老金計劃,但其投資委員會是一個獨立運營的實體。該基金的投資組合規模在過去十年中增長了兩倍以上,而且只會繼續擴大。截至去年年底,其投資組合規模為4540 億加元。CPP 上月提高了繳費率及給付水平,基金規模擴大加上投資收入意味著其資產可能會以健康的速度擴張數十年。CPP 的繳費率為大多數加拿大人工資的9.9%(魁北克省有自己的養老金體系),到2023 年這一比例將達到11.9%。有一類國有投資機構在全世界的影響力與日俱增,CPP 是一個規模尤其龐大的例子。

經濟學人官方譯文 | 加拿大養老基金正在獲得更大的金融影響力

When the cpp was founded in 1965, it had a familiar defect: a mismatch between the benefits promised and the contributions required. By the mid-1990s money was running out. Russia, France and Argentina all faced protests when they tried to stabilise pension funds by squeezing payouts. America’s national pension plan, Social Security, is expected to run out of money by 2034, and the public-sector pensions managed by many states, notably Illinois and New Jersey, face dire shortfalls.CPP 在1965 年成立之時存在一個常見的缺陷:承諾的福利與所需繳費不匹配。到上世紀90 年代中期,它的資金已快見底。俄羅斯、法國和阿根廷曾試圖通過減少養老金髮放來穩定養老基金,引發了抗議。預計美國的國家養老金計劃社會保障計劃(Social Security)到2034 年將出現資金枯竭,許多州管理的公共部門養老金(尤其是伊利諾伊州和新澤西州)也面臨嚴重的資金不足。

The cpp, by contrast, was overhauled, with contributions raised and its assets separated from the public pot. The investment board was set up in 1997, with a mandate to focus on returns to the exclusion of public policy and a strict transparency requirement. An exemption from public-sector pay caps enables it to hire people from the private sector. Its chief executive, Mark Machin, left Goldman Sachs in 2012 to run the fund’s operations in Asia, before he was promoted in 2016.相比之下,CPP 做了大幅調整,提高了繳費率,並把自有資產與公共資金進行了分隔。CPPIB 成立於1997 年,其任務是關注投資回報,不受公共政策制約,以及滿足嚴格的透明度要求。由於不受公共部門薪資上限的限制,它可以從私營部門僱用人才。其首席執行官馬克·馬辛(Mark Machin)於2012 年離開高盛前來負責CPPIB 的亞洲業務,於2016 年獲晉升。

What was once a single office in Toronto is now a head office with branches in Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Mumbai, New York, São Paulo and Sydney. Five departments oversee 25 investment approaches. These include the usual public markets along with direct investments in property, natural resources and infrastructure as well as niche markets such as royalties tied to technology. Outside “partnerships”—with firms through which it invests—have risen from 62 to 254.CPP 過去只在多倫多辦公,如今除了在多倫多的總部,還在香港、倫敦、盧森堡、孟買、紐約、聖保羅和悉尼設有辦事處。它有五個部門,負責管理 25 類投資方式。其中包括一般的公開市場投資、對房地產、自然資源和基礎設施的直接投資,以及技術使用費等利基市場。它藉以開展投資的外部“合作伙伴”已經從 62 個增加到254 個。

Wall Street denizens reckon that its involvement in private equity, which accounts for a fifth of its overall portfolio, places it in the same league as gic, the entity that manages Singapore’s foreign-exchange reserves. Both have the capability to assess even the most complex potential investments speedily and respond with large amounts of long-term capital. The cppib has 195 seats on the boards of 77 companies. It plans to allocate up to a third of its portfolio to emerging markets eventually. That would make it one of the most important sources of private capital to many of the world’s fast-growing projects.CPP 的私募股權投資佔其整體投資組合的五分之一。華爾街人士認為,CPP 對私募股權投資的參與讓它成為了和管理新加坡外匯儲備的新加坡政府投資公司(GIC)一個量級的投資機構。兩者都有能力快速評估最複雜的潛在投資項目,並運用大量的長期投資資本。CPPIB 在77 家公司的董事會中擁有 195 個席位。它計劃最終將高達三分之一的投資組合分配到新興市場。這將使其成為世界上許多快速發展的項目最重要的私人資本來源之一。

Its risk-management approach means evaluating securities according to factors including geography, debt and equity characteristics, climate risk and gender balance in employment. In pursuit of long-term returns, it is willing to ride out market volatility. In 2018 it expected to have a loss of at least 12.5% at least once a decade. Its actuaries put the annual return needed over the next 75 years to fulfil its obligations at 3.9% above inflation, which it has achieved so far. In order to assess its track record it uses a market benchmark comprised of 85% equity and 15% debt. On average its annual returns have beaten the benchmark over the past ten years, though only modestly.CPPIB 的風險管理方法根據地理、債務水平和股權特徵、氣候風險以及就業中的性別平衡等因素評估證券。為追求長期回報,它願意經受市場波動。2018 年,CPPIB 預計每十年起碼會經受一次至少 12.5%的損失。其精算師將未來 75 年為履行義務而需達到的年度回報率定在扣除通脹因素後 3.9%。目前為止,它都實現了這個目標。為了評估自己的業績,它使用了一個由 85%的股權和 15%的債務組成的市場基準。平均而言,它的年回報率在過去十年中都超過了該基準,儘管超出不多。

Inevitably, new risks will emerge. Valuations based on unrealised private-equity positions could be flawed. By taking positions on so many boards the cppib is assuming managerial responsibilities for multiple companies; it increasingly resembles a sprawling conglomerate, with the associated organisational challenges. Added to this is the oddity that the entity with a powerful role in private firms itself has state links. Though it is formally separate from Canada’s government, it may still be drawn into geopolitical disputes over, say, tariffs and sanctions. And its size, though beneficial in many respects, makes it harder to trade and manage.新風險將不可避免地顯現。基於未兌現的私募股權頭寸的估值可能存在缺陷。CPPIB 在眾多公司的董事會有席位,相應地也在多家公司承擔了管理職責;它越來越像一個觸角眾多的龐大的企業集團,也就面臨著由此而來的組織挑戰。除此之外,這個在很多私營企業中扮演重要角色的實體本身又有政府背景,這也很古怪。雖然它與加拿大政府沒有正式關聯,但仍可能被捲入涉及關稅和制裁等地緣政治爭端中。它規模龐大,雖說很多時候大有大的好處,但也讓交易和管理變得更加困難。

Other similar entities have emerged as big players in recent years. A handful, such as the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and Quebec’s Caisse de Dépôt et Placement, are also Canadian. Whereas Quebec’s scheme, for instance, dabbles in local economic development, the cppib stands out for its professed independence. Its performance matters beyond Canada not just because of its holdings of global assets, but because many other countries, with their ageing populations and poorly funded pension schemes, might hope to draw lessons from it.其他類似的實體近年來也已成為金融市場上的重要參與者。其中如安大略省教師退休金計劃(Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan)、安大略省市政僱員退休體系(Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System)和魁北克儲蓄投資基金(Caisse de Dépôt et Placement)也都是加拿大的機構。魁北克儲蓄投資基金涉足地方經濟發展,而 CPPIB 則因其自稱的獨立性而獨樹一幟。它的業績影響超出加拿大之外,這不僅是因為它在全球擁有資產,還因為許多有老齡化和養老金不足問題的國家可能希望借鑑它的經驗。

