
How to work from home with children and pets without losing your cool or your sanity


1、As much as possible, set hours that correspond with your energy.


An early bird, I sometimes start work when my daughter leaves for school at 6:45 a.m. Along those lines, Israelsen-Hartley says to do the creative stuff first. Don’t clog your morning with emails and brainless administrative stuff if your job doesn’t require it. Get your writing/creating/thinking done in the morning; save the brainless stuff for the post-lunch fog, or when the kids are home from school and more likely to interrupt.

2、Get out of the pajamas.脫下睡衣

Newbies to remote work revel in not having to get dressed for the office. Veterans know that what you wear affects your thinking. Fluffy bunny slippers tell your subconscious to relax. Shower and dress like you would on at least a casual Friday, and don’t forget the power shoes.

3、Keep a schedule. Make sure it includes movement and water breaks.


Working at home with no interruptions makes it more likely that you’ll enter the state of “flow” that psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi said results in peak efficiency and happiness. It also makes it more likely that you’ll realize at 3 p.m. that you’ve been hunched over your desk for five hours, which isn’t good for your spine or your health.

4、If something doesn’t have to be done at a desk, don’t do it at your desk.


If you’re brainstorming or talking on the phone, can you do it sitting outside or taking a walk? Henry David Thoreau wrote that when his legs began to move, his thoughts began to flow. Research has shown that getting up and doing something different for a few minutes can help people move past a creative block. Use the perks of remote work to improve your performance.

5、Keep track of your hours, even if you don’t punch a clock.


This is for the sake of both you and your employer. Because work hours so easily bleed into family time at home, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’re working. As Israelsen-Hartley says, “Set clear boundaries as to when you’re working and when you’re not, and try to keep the worlds separate. Except when you have to do an interview at your kids’ dentist’s office during their cleanings. Like I did today.”

6、Be upfront with others about the potential for comedy.

If there’s a chance of a potentially embarrassing distraction, such as a dog barking or a young child wandering in during a phone call or video chat, it’s best to tell people that you’re in a home office, so if a disruption occurs, it’s not as big a calamity.

7、Find a remote office-spouse and love on them dearly.

Working at home can be isolating. Nurture an office friendship that can help fill that void via text, calls or emails.

8、Be realistic about what you can accomplish.

As in an office, some days you will have the strength of 10 grinches plus two; other days, you’ll feel like you’re getting less done than the water cooler. “Acknowledge you may get less done than you’d like. Working, while also keeping small humans alive, is a pretty big task,” Israelsen-Hartley said. (Also, while keeping large dogs alive, I might add.)

9、Be grateful.

Is the worst day at home still better than the best day at the office? Absolutely not. While some workplaces can be soul-killing, good ones are exhilarating. Think of how colorless the world would be if Michael Scott (“The Office”) or Leslie Knope (“Parks and Rec”) had worked alone at home. That said, 70% of American workers can’t work from home even if they wanted to, according to census data. So if you’re setting up a home office thanks to COVID-19, be grateful that you have a job that you can continue while helping to keep other people safe and healthy.

