
雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅




雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅



Project’s registered capital exceeds $100m in WND


The 7Road Technology Co Ltd headquarters project in Wuxi National Hi-tech District(WND) has recently had its capital increased by $140 million, becoming the first major sci-tech project to be approved with registered capital exceeding $100 million since the start of the epidemic.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


Founded in 2008, 7Road is a top developer and international distributor of web and mobile games. The company's games have been released in more than 100 countries. In 2018, it was successfully listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00797.hk), becoming the first listed company in the city to change its headquarters from another city to Wuxi, basing itself in Wangzhuang Science and Technology Park.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


WND to promote resumption of major projects


Xinwu District’s Director, Feng Xiaochun led a delegation to inspect the district's major projects which have restarted operations on March 4, and a conference on promoting construction was held afterwards, with many WND leaders in attendance.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


By visiting the LG chemical cathode material project, Murata’s second factory, and Haier’s COSMOPlat project, Feng and the delegation were able to gain a detailed understanding of the progress of the projects, and the difficulties and problems encountered during the resumption of work.

Feng asked relevant departments to take the initiative in providing accurate services and assistance to enable major projects to deal with obstacles to their operation, in order to provide a strong guarantee for future project construction.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


At the subsequent promotion conference, each neighborhood and the responsible unit of the project reported the current state of construction, taking part in a discussion with the leaders in charge of the corresponding areas.

Feng stressed that the whole district should focus on both epidemic prevention and control work, and economic development, while making every effort to complete major projects in time.


Expats in WND join efforts to fight epidemic


Huang Qin, secretary of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee and Du Xiaogang, mayor of Wuxi, jointly released a letter to foreign-invested companies in the city on March 4, expressing gratitude for their continuous attention and contributions to Wuxi and their understanding and help in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

They emphasized that foreign-invested enterprises are a crucial component of Wuxi’s economic development. Wuxi’s government will further optimize services and strengthen support for these firms, so as to help them manage any current difficulties and achieve a brighter future together.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


This letter was immediately translated into multiple languages by WND and sent to expats returning to Wuxi. And before that, Wuxi Japanese Commerce and Industry Club, and Wuxi Korean Chamber of Commerce also issued proposals to their members and all Japanese and Korean people living in Wuxi.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


Xinwu district’s care for its expats returning to Wuxi has warmed the hearts of many. The services include:

promoting the holding of seminars at SK Hynix and other major foreign enterprises to publicize relevant policies;

strengthening communication and coordination with Japanese and Korean enterprises, so as to implement prevention and control requirements;

actively coordinating the opening of a "green channel" for nucleic acid tests of foreigners, and assistance for those who need to have the test.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅


At this difficult time, expats and people in WND are standing together, trying their best to contribute to the battle against the epidemic. Many South Korean-funded enterprises have also sent employees as volunteers. They go to South Korean communities to measure the temperature of residents, publicize prevention and control methods, and provide helpful services.

雙語新吳 | 無錫高新區超億美元項目成功註冊、外籍友人與高新區共抗疫情、風雨同舟……一週熱點大搜羅






