登澄海樓 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower

譯典 | 登澄海樓 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower

譯 典

2020.3.13 第121期

译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower
译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower








HU Guijun, Reed Bamboo by pen name, a native of Xinhe County, Hubei Province and a high school teacher. Her poetry works and comments are found in many newspapers and journals such as Chinese Poetry, Confucius’s Words of Poetry,Anthology of Chinese Poetry and Yanzhao Poetry. She also serves as the editor ofYanzhao Poetry and Baiquan Poetry, unofficial periodicals.(買天春譯)

译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower

Climbing up Blue Sea Tower

By HU Guijun

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun

The Yan Mountains meander without end;

Now, I have a different feeling inside.

The sky clears up over the hills and sea.

How much misty wind blows toward the tide?

译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower


趙彥春,博士生導師,上海大學中國文化翻譯研究中心主任,國際學術期刊Translating China 主編,國際漢學與教育研究會會長、傳統文化翻譯與國際傳播專業委員會會長、中國先秦史學會國學雙語研究會執行會長,中國語言教育研究會副會長,其翻譯作品,被譽為“有史以來最美漢英翻譯”“神翻譯”“神還原”。

Biosketch of the Translator:

ZHAO Yanchun: Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Center for Translation of Chinese Culture, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association, a proponent of the principle of translating poesie into poesie and classic into classic. His translations have been widely reported and acclaimed as the unprecedented Chinese-English translation, the best, the choice, the cream.





本期排版:曼 曼

《清晨逢雨》Caught in a Rain in the Morning

《夜宿山寺》Putting Up for the Night in a Mountain Temple

《小兒垂釣》 A Child Learning to Angle

《梅花》The Wintersweet

《江 畔》 Riverside

《松皆雅》 Elegant Pines

《敕勒歌》The Chile Song

《江 雪》River Snow

《望廬山瀑布》 Gazing at the Mt. Lodge Waterfall

《遣懷》My Will

《重開的六百年前古蓮子》To the Blooming of a Six-Hundred-year-old Lotus

《一萼紅》 A Rouge Sepal

《登鸛雀樓》Climbing the Stork Tower

《畫雞》 A Rooster in the Painting

《阿朱示餘十年舊照不勝唏噓乃為一首並寄之》Stirred by the Old Photographs Taken a Decade Ago, Presented by Ah Zhu, Hence This Poem to Her

《過天壽山》 A Visit to Mt. Blessed Longevity

《尋隱者不遇》Failure to Find the Recluse

《贈汪倫》To Wang Lun

《在校值班》On Nightshift at School

《荒 村》 A Deserted Village

《登武當山》Climbing the Wudang Mountains

《春 曉》Spring Morn

《小 池》A Small Pool

《小 院》My Small Yard

译典 | 登澄海楼 Climbing up Blue Sea Tower

