

CHAPTER04-10 寫日記

1.Write in your diary. 寫你的日記。

2.Did you write in your diary? 你寫日記了嗎?

3.Where is your diary? 你的日記本在哪?

4.I'll write in it tomorrow. 我明天會寫。

5.Can I not write today? 我今天可以不寫嗎?

6.You should keep a diary every day. 你應該每天寫日記。

7.Make it a rule to write in your diary every day.要把每天寫日記變成一個習慣。

8.Mom, there's nothing to write about.媽媽,沒有什麼好寫的。

9.Can I write something short?我可以寫很短嗎?

10.Write at least one line.至少寫一行。

11.What should I write in my diary? 我要在日記上寫什麼呢?

12.Think about what happened today.想想今天發生了些什麼。

13.Think about what you did today.想想今天做了什麼。

14.What can you remember? 你記得什麼?

15.Write about your seatmate in school. 寫寫你的同桌同學。

16. Will you make a title? 你要寫標題嗎?

17. Draw if you don't want to write. 討厭寫的話,就畫畫吧。

18. You can write about your thoughts and feelings. 你可以寫你的想法和感覺。

19.Let's write in Engish. 用英文寫吧。

20.What is today's date? 今天的日期是什麼?

21. What was the weather like today? 今天的天氣如何?

22.What day is today?今天是星期幾?

23.When did l get up today? 我今天幾點起床?

24.I'm done writing in my diary. 我完成我的日記了。

25.You forgot the date. 你忘記了日期。

26.Nice job! 很好。

27.Your handwriting is not that good. 你的筆跡沒有很好。

28.Don't look at my diary. 不要看我的日記。

